Why is the “shoot at” in quotes? Allegedly shoot?
It’s eye witness testimony (according to article) so technically good journalistic practice to quote rather than state. Elsewhere it talks about beatings, for which the journalists could see the wounds, so no quotations are used. If the i had evidence of gunshots (I.e. footage, bullet wounds) I suspect they would state rather than quote.
I get that it seems awfully calous to cast doubt on the words of the vulnerable, but the fact remains there are those who mask lies behind a veneer of vulnerablility, it’s best practice for a reason.
Passive voice found to be not enough to justify “criminal” behavior by the nice police officers.
Either that, or the police officers were so bad at distinguishing the gun’s front from its back that what they did can’t really qualify as shooting at anything in particular.
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Do you believe that the treatment these people received according to the article was right, and justified?
Europeans once again proving they’re racist towards migrants and the Roma people
Migrant isn’t a race
That’s true, they’re racist against people from poorer countries with dominantly darker skin tones.
No German for example is racist against Danish people or worries about French immigration, although these migrants are part of migrant statistics.
No German for example is racist against Danish people or worries about French immigration
I mean that’s not true but also, I guess the numbers and of course culture and integration is different.
I would really appreciate an example of German people or the German state behaving badly against Danish people because of racism. And of course not being PoC.
I don’t think that there are especially high numbers of Morroccons coming to Europe.
And I think it’s not easy to integrate if you’re being shot at.
So maybe that should change first.
It’s not as loud or widespread, but if you think European racism stops at the border or something then you are way off. For something I have more personal experience with me, see Swedish racism against Finns. It’s negative stereotypes, harder to get a job, thinking Finns are more violent and criminal, that sorta stuff.
“During the 1960s and 1970s, there was a significant influx of Finnish economic migrants into Sweden. Between 1950 and 1980 the number of Finns in Sweden increased from 45,000 to over 300,000. Attitudes towards Finnish immigrants were quite negative in Sweden. Derogatory expressions en finne igen (‘yet another Finn’) and finnjävel (equivalent to ‘Finnish bastard’ or ‘Finnish devil’) were commonly used.[10][11] An anthology, Finnjävlar, was published, in which 15 Finns in Sweden describe their lives and lives of their parents in Sweden.[12] In Sweden the Tornedalians were also once seen as an inferior race and speaking Finnish was banned in school.”
I don’t think that there are especially high numbers of Morroccons coming to Europe.
Uhm… I guess you mean right now compared to some other groups, but
“Moroccans are one of the largest migrant populations in Europe, with the Moroccan diaspora community living in France estimated at 1,146,000, Spain 766,000, Italy 487,000, the Netherlands 363,000, Belgium 700,000 and Germany 127,000.”
Croatian military prevents illegal border crossing.
The last decade have been ridiculous, migrating to the EU is not a human right.
Wonder why they’re migrating
Perhaps it has something to do with the past few centuries of brutal colonization by western Europe and Japan, the ongoing neocolonialism of the Global South, the coups, sanctions, and invasions by imperial core countries whenever a “former” colony tries to escape this imperialism?
Nah, I’m sure they’re doing it for no reason.
The fact that climate change hurts Global South countries the most also probably has nothing to do with it.
They still need to follow the laws and migrate in the proper way
You mean like the European followed the rules of the local peoples when they went to conquer the world, right?
Or you mean, if you have the power and weaponry you can do whatever you want to other peoples and noone can judge you.
Wise words, you must be a wise guy.
Wow, you wasted a lot of time making a comment that just says “Europe bad”.
Yes, Europe did a lot of horrific shit in the past, but remember that two wrongs doesn’t make a right.
in the past
Currently funding and supporting a genocide through the colony in Palestine to keep it subjugated.
I’m guessing you’ll be saying fascist shit like this in the future too when these victims eventually have to immigrate to the regions not destroyed by imperialism — that is, Europe — cuz of this?
two wrongs
What “wrong”? Migrating to stay alive?
The Palestine situation is absolutely horrific, and Europe needs to pull all funding from Israel to stop the genocide.
That being said, I have no idea what you mean when talking about a colony in Palestine, Israel is it’s own country.
Migrating to stay alive?
The woman in the article was from Morocco, if she fled foe her life the first avaliable country not directly threatning her should be where she requests asylum, else she is an economic migrant, and should go through the normal process.
Claiming this to be fascist just waters down the word.
So why should this woman from Morocco not come here? What’s the reason behind that ruling you support so passionately. You claim it’s not racist/fascist. So give us the reason.
It’s not only “Europe bad”. It’s more like the Europeans all over world (call them white if you want) feeling entitled to behave like shit against the rest of the world. Committing genocide in every country they like to settle themselves.
And that’s not the past, that’s how we rule the world until today. And every day we prove to the world that our accomplishments like democracy or human rights are not for Non-Europeans.
You’re right, Europe did horrific things.
But migration for the pursuit of happiness (like a job and education for your children) isn’t a horrific thing. At all! It’s just normal human behavior since the beginning of time.
In the contrary, comparing it with committing genocide after genocide, like you do, is a horrific thing.
Freedom of movement is a human right! Everywhere. For everyone. In every direction!
Laws made by those colonizers and invaders?
Granted, the foundation to the EU was made before I was born, but I never knew that the EU has invaded and colonized other nations.
Congratulations on learning that present systems exist in the context and foundations of what came before.
And the EU has indeed invaded Libya in the recent past though NATO.
That operation was requested by the UN, NATO was asked to perform it, I don’t remember the EU taking part, though some member nations did.
Migrating to the EU is not no, but due process is. Having items seized (in the way the article also describes) would qualify as an abuse of power.
People have the right to apply for asylum.
The police does not have the right to inflict undue violence on prisoners.
We can discuss, under what conditions someone is allowed to migrate to a country, but both the right to asylum, and to fair treatment by the police, should be basic requirements for a free democracy.
It is quite clear that many of us often seem to fail at meeting these requirements.
It’s not likely to be military, police controls the border.
I would say it is. Freedom of movement is a human right. Everywhere. For everybody. In every direction.
You know, for several centuries now took it as our god given right to go wherever we want, take what we want, settle where we want.
And extreme few European immigrants bothered with learning the languages of the indigenous people or adjusting to their customs and traditions.
So I consider this a time to give back and that we don’t have any right to turn this people away.
And our behavior is the perfect prove that we’re still the same assholes that we’ve been throughout history, and us talking human rights and democracy is just bullshitting around.
Imagine justifying killing a pregnant woman. Jesus
That stands. Using force if they refuse to go back is also fair. The thing I don’t understand is why the fuck are they stealing/destroying their phones and passports?
Because then you can’t prove where they came from and even if they tell you their country of birth, without actual evidense it is very hard to send them back
Ah, sorry. By “send back” i meant back over the border they crossed.