It’s not as loud or widespread, but if you think European racism stops at the border or something then you are way off. For something I have more personal experience with me, see Swedish racism against Finns. It’s negative stereotypes, harder to get a job, thinking Finns are more violent and criminal, that sorta stuff.
“During the 1960s and 1970s, there was a significant influx of Finnish economic migrants into Sweden. Between 1950 and 1980 the number of Finns in Sweden increased from 45,000 to over 300,000. Attitudes towards Finnish immigrants were quite negative in Sweden. Derogatory expressions en finne igen (‘yet another Finn’) and finnjävel (equivalent to ‘Finnish bastard’ or ‘Finnish devil’) were commonly used.[10][11] An anthology, Finnjävlar, was published, in which 15 Finns in Sweden describe their lives and lives of their parents in Sweden.[12] In Sweden the Tornedalians were also once seen as an inferior race and speaking Finnish was banned in school.”
I don’t think that there are especially high numbers of Morroccons coming to Europe.
Uhm… I guess you mean right now compared to some other groups, but
“Moroccans are one of the largest migrant populations in Europe, with the Moroccan diaspora community living in France estimated at 1,146,000, Spain 766,000, Italy 487,000, the Netherlands 363,000, Belgium 700,000 and Germany 127,000.”
It’s not as loud or widespread, but if you think European racism stops at the border or something then you are way off. For something I have more personal experience with me, see Swedish racism against Finns. It’s negative stereotypes, harder to get a job, thinking Finns are more violent and criminal, that sorta stuff.
“During the 1960s and 1970s, there was a significant influx of Finnish economic migrants into Sweden. Between 1950 and 1980 the number of Finns in Sweden increased from 45,000 to over 300,000. Attitudes towards Finnish immigrants were quite negative in Sweden. Derogatory expressions en finne igen (‘yet another Finn’) and finnjävel (equivalent to ‘Finnish bastard’ or ‘Finnish devil’) were commonly used.[10][11] An anthology, Finnjävlar, was published, in which 15 Finns in Sweden describe their lives and lives of their parents in Sweden.[12] In Sweden the Tornedalians were also once seen as an inferior race and speaking Finnish was banned in school.”
Uhm… I guess you mean right now compared to some other groups, but
“Moroccans are one of the largest migrant populations in Europe, with the Moroccan diaspora community living in France estimated at 1,146,000, Spain 766,000, Italy 487,000, the Netherlands 363,000, Belgium 700,000 and Germany 127,000.”