Pretty much anything in a machine shop made in the last 80 years or so. So many people turn up their noses at anything that isn’t computer controlled anymore. Yknow what a big old mill can do that a CNC can’t? It can make every single part needed to make a new mill. It’s a self replicating machine with the right know how. People don’t respect that kind of quality anymore.
Fax machines. Government and medical offices would grind to a halt without them. That’s just reality.
I want to throw a shout out to the site that cloned the old Google reader by making
Printing out tickets as a backup. I do this for concerts and travel because then I don’t have to worry about batteries dying, wifi/roaming not being available, getting logged out and having trouble getting back to the ticket, etc.
I also print out maps when doing wilderness backpacks because even if you download the map you’ll burn through your battery life well before the hike is over but a paper map is just as good. If I really need to confirm my location I can occasionally turn on the app and shut it off. I keep the maps in a gallon ziplock so water isn’t an issue.
Ticketmaster is doing their very best to make paper tickets unusable with refreshing barcodes. Funny thing is that “anti-theft” feature is needed because of their own systemic failures. I do like tickets that are just sent to my email or similar (e.g. as an attachment that I can save to my phone) though, it’s better than wasting paper when I know my phone won’t fail me.
Writing your passwords in a piece of paper. Safer than storing it digitally and easier for people that don’t know how to use password managers or computers in general to understand what to do to access your stuff if you’re under a difficult situation or dead.
Also, physical photos. Yes yes, we all have gigabytes of photos, but almost never check any of them. Physicals catch my glance at home very often, great decoration. I’ve also took to writing the day, place and people on the back, plus any other important bits of context.
I have a reel of photos from our kids’ album on our TV. Cycles every minute or so. Subs for printed photos fairly well.
Gave a digital photo frame, cycling the same pictures to great grandpa though and he died the next day. Make of this what you will.
Grandma approved 😂
Magnetic tape. Datacenters use it for long term storage.
Fax machines and overhead projectors, if you live in Germany. Basically every office here still has a (frequently used) Fax machine and all schools still use overhead projectors.
It was actually quite a shock to me when my University retired their projectors in 2023. They sent an email to each and every student as a warning. Life‘s crazy here.
As a stupid american that took a few German classes in highschool many years ago, I must know, do you call it “der Projektor” or “der Bildwerfer”?
Being kind to one another
Writing down your thoughts! It’s not the same as typing things down, writing really makes me feel lighter and somehow reduces my stress levels.
Mediums matter. I think it’s because a laptop or phone can sometimes be heavier and slower than a single post it or piece of paper. Just a thought though.
Wii console: remote controler plus informatic knowledge make this a trustfull smartTV
The Wii can only do 480p though
Isn’t Wii 720p? Raspberry pi 4 would be better
Wrist watches. Extremely convenient, even when your phone is buried or you don’t want to be distracted.
I wear a cheapish waterproof one while swimming. The pool has a clock but I can’t see it without my specs.
Yep plus if you take your phone out you leave yourself vulnerable to being robbed.
- for the wristwatch, if you wear a 10$ casio people will think you’re poor
Or a terrorist
Oooh nice one. Bonus points if it’s a dirty strap.
I’d probably say something like my Sony Discman or any other CD player, if we’re talking the general public. CDs aren’t anywhere near as popular as they used to be thanks to streaming, but if you’re collecting like I am, a dedicated CD player is a necessity.
I hate that music nowadays is supposed to go through my phone. I’m on my phone constantly. It’s ridiculous that I can’t do that while listening to music. A dedicated music player is essential.
Although I eventually gave up on CDs and now I just use an old phone.
Those impracticaly large fragile things, failing in cars with the slightest shock? Never cared for them.
Casettes you could throw around, tape them if necessary.
Later minidisc for a short time and digital mp3/flac… So no thank you, like DVD’s spoiling plenty of movies by giving up in the middle due to a tiny scratch these things were a mistake.
IRC: simplest way of communicating online, and a bouncer can be availed for free
Forums: great store of knowledge and friendly, helpful people. If you ask a question in discord, nobody will ever see the answer again.
Man, I really want to get back into IRC. Is there any good client you can recommend?
Halloy seems to be a popular choice on desktop. Goguma on android according to
Thank you!
Why use IRC when you could use matrix
Because setting up an IRC server is way, way easier than setting up a matrix server. It’s also a lot more reliable. The downside is that it’s text only
I can’t related more on the second one. Slack and Microsoft Teams seems to be the default way to communicate in corporate environments.