Work smarter, not harder.
Scrooge Mc Duck
Work smarter, not harder.
Scrooge Mc Duck
That is not really cryptozoology, a known real creature that we think is extinct, but if it’s turns out to not be… Nothing weird here.
A lot different to claiming there is a loch Ness monster.
True, but I was suggesting Flatseal, more for once the issue was resolved.
If you are looking to mess with what your flatpaks can do, Flatseal it is really nice for managing permissions, for your flatpaks.
It may not be what you are looking for, but though I would drop it in just in case.
This will only succeed if they open it up to other developers.
A 10Gb link with power, there are a lot of applications that could work here.
Camera/projector/docking station… These are the first few I came up with, I’m sure others will have great ideas.
But if they try to keep it proprietary, it will go nowhere.
He was knighted, for services to literature…so yea, he was one of the greats.
I usually can’t decide which is my top pick.
Esme is awesome, the picture of uncompromising competence.
Lord Vetinari, doesn’t like how the world works, but works the world until it is better.
Sam, has such a great character arc.
I’m gonna have to go with a miniature elephant, maybe the size of a Labrador.
Maybe by considering the difference between magnetic and polar north…
The first information revolution, is somewhat equivalent. With the invention of the printing press, distribution of information became an order of magnitude cheaper.
Literal months of work to produce a single copy, became a few hours to setup the movable type, then produce as many copies as you want.
Daily gazettes became a thing that was possible to do.
I hate those.
Sit where it is comfortable and you touch the front, fucken gross, or sit back far enough and stain the bowl.
Conspiracy theory:
Autism isn’t real, it is a conspiracy to pathologise otherwise normal human behaviour, to sell vast amounts of pharmaceutical products. It’s targeted at kids, because they are less articulate and can’t effectively argue that there is nothing wrong with them. The really insidious part is that after a while the kids believe it.
In Aliens, it is precisely the caring about Newt that humanised Ripley.
Otherwise she would have been to badass, to robotic.
I love Shaun the Sheep.
Just for a specific example. Bluey vs Paw Patrol. Both HUGE kids shows, about dog-based characters.
In Bluey all of the important characters except Bandit are female. The stories are awesome, they revolve around family, caring and over coming challenges. They are almost never violent, the stories are rich and interesting and somewhat entertaining even for an adult watching for the infinity+1th time.
In Paw Patrol; all the important characters are male except Mayor Goodway and Skye. The stories are repetitive and boring, they revolve around working together, being heroic and solving problems. They are regularly violent, and as the show has progressed it has gotten stupid with massive power creep and a group of antagonists. Paw Patrol just kinda sucks.
In Bluey often Bandit is used for comic relief; none of the female characters are. In Paw Patrol, the comic relief is handled by Mayor Humdinger who is often the antagonist, Mayor Goodway is often scatterbrained but rarely is the comic punching bag.
Yes. It is my experience.
I am looking at the last 9 years (my oldest is 9); I agree, when I was a kid in the 80’s, most movies were male focused.
If we restrict the dataset to big popular kids movies in the last decade; it is either a female empowerment movie or a movie based around violence.
As for kids books, in Harry Potter (my oldest boys favorite books) his favorite character is Hermione. Because she is brave, smart and gets shit done; Harry is brave and good at sports…
Even when the stories are male focused, the characters are still two dimensional.
There is also the fact that John gets punched in the face, kicked and beaten…and then gets back up to wipe the floor with the enemy.
Showing female characters getting their arses handed to them is not as commercially popular.
and in Bluey almost all characters are girls.
Also in paw patrol, the good mayor is a black woman and the bumbling villain is a white man…