I’ve reached the point of absolutely hating rechargable batteries. Between their ghost discharge, and the fact that I don’t go through as many batteries like I used, using normal alkaline batteries seems to be the best for me anyway.
Migrated account from @CosmicTurtle@lemmy.world
I’ve reached the point of absolutely hating rechargable batteries. Between their ghost discharge, and the fact that I don’t go through as many batteries like I used, using normal alkaline batteries seems to be the best for me anyway.
I think it’s important to note the difference between “make a living to keep things going” vs. “I want to make ‘fuck you’ money.”
I have no problem with people who make a good product and seek donations or sell their product at a reasonable price.
Hell, take uBlock Origin. I’d easily pay $10 / month for this but they do not want money. So I do what they request and donate to the people who make the filters.
This is the first year in perhaps a decade I won’t be giving to the Mozilla Foundation because they are enshittifying their product. I wrote to them and told them why I won’t be donating. I don’t know if it will make a difference but I’m keeping an eye on them over the next year.
There is a reason why it worked for the Republicans and won’t work for the Democrats: the bases are vastly different.
Republicans, by in large, will vote for a Republican even if they don’t like the candidate. I saw this a lot when I was a poll worker. They don’t even care about their platform. So long as they have an R at the end of their name, they get a vote from Republicans.
While Democrats vote Democrat, they’ll only come out to vote if they are energized. They won’t come out to vote if they don’t feel like you’ve earned it. We saw this in 2016 and 2024.
Simply put, Republicans are more reliable voters.
The Democrat tent is very large with often conflicting values. A lot of single-issue voters will simply stay home than to vote for a Democrat. Because of this, it is rare when a candidate will arise that will galvanize and coalesce the base.
The last time it happened was Obama.
Right now is actually the perfect time to create a third party. You have effectively two years to get people excited about an actual progressive party and if the DNC come knocking saying you’re going to split the vote, tell them that they are splitting the vote and they should fold into you.
I’m fucking tired of the Democrats learning the wrong lessons from lost elections. They’d rather lose than give up power.
When Meta acquired GIPHY
Live there for you. Its your house. Make it your personal retreat from the world, and set it up how you like it. Don’t worry about resale until it’s actually time to sell.
One additional thing I’ll add: make “nice” repairs, e.g. things that you normally repair when you’re about to sell the house (e.g. wobbly toilet paper dispenser, crooked trim, etc.) as your budget and time allow. These things add up when you’re selling and you’ll regret not having your place look nice when you lived there.
These are nice weekend projects and often help you learn basic home repair.
Oh man…this is making me remember a conversation I had with someone in high school that wanted to get $2 and was willing to pay something like $5 for it.
The guy was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
To be stupidly fair, they are familiar with what a nail clipper looks like so it’s easy for them to find and screen them.
But if a legit bomb part went through security, they’d probably not recognize it due to its novelty.
The next bomb through TSA is going to be some popular toy like a Tickle Me Elmo or some other shit.
I get the feeling you’re like me and you might be over-thinking it. If you’re new, if I heard it, I’d pass it off as you sharing your skillset. Remember they hired YOU because they believe you can do the work.
If you want to help them edit, ask to sit in on their sessions. Tell them you want want to be a fly on the wall to see the process, etc. I’ve done that in the IT world with great success. It shows you’re curious and eager to learn.
If they say no, then you have your answer – they may be only looking to you to fill one box. Most managers understand that you want to do more than what you’re doing now.
I remember complaining on Amazon about the price of digital books when they were still relatively new. They wanted me to pay the same price for a digital book as a physical book. Back then, Amazon still had pretty decent customer service and wrote me back saying that the price for the book wasn’t for literal pages but for the work in making the book, etc. etc.
I told them I understood that but I don’t get the same rights with the digital book as I did with the physical, namely the right to sell the book.
Books, board games, etc. any physical media is technically a license, yes. BUT the copyright holder cannot bar you from doing whatever you want with the physical copy, within the limits of copyright law. Those same rights simply do not exist with your digital copies and, in fact, is often codified within your terms of service that you don’t fucking own anything and they can pull your license at any time.
DVD is next to impossible to revoke while Blu-ray is not. But you can’t revoke Blu-ray licenses to specific people but to regions. I haven’t heard of this happening but if it did, you could, in theory, still play your Blu-ray disks on players that aren’t connected to the internet to receive those updates. That said, I’m like 80% sure that Blu-ray keys have been leaked and you can rip them like DVDs today.
The trick that the Government has learned is that it’s easier and cheaper to buy your location data from a third party.
No warrant necessarily since the data is available to anyone who wants to buy it.
What we should do is put chainlink fence around the corner, but make the part that the users loved the most accessible with a monthly pass that they can only walk on with shoes purchased at the university store.
- spez
The ironic thing is Breyers ran commercials about how you could pronounce every ingredient in their ice cream. They had like a 10 year old read their ingredient list vs. competitors.
But when they got bought out by Unilever, quality went downhill fast
For now. I fully expect rules like this to be fully rolled back so that ice cubes will be legally “ice cream”.
It’s funny that the last time this was floated by Republicans, they thought they were kicking the Democrat states out.
In other words, they thought they were keeping the Federal government.
Republican states need Democrat states far more than vice versa.
If Trump truly does win, Republicans won’t split the country. They’ll make it even more impossible to leave.
I think it’s a result of trying to get support right now so you don’t get stuck waiting for someone to up vote your question or having other questions push your thread further down.
I’ve been a victim of this myself and going to Discord seems to be better getting someone to actually help you, especially for niche questions.
I’m not saying I like it but I certainly get it.
If you set up using compose and don’t have the version pinned:
dockee compose down && docker compose pull jellyfin && docker compose up -d
Yup. They went full OG AdBlock and got WaPo and other major publications to prevent them from working.
You can mimic what they did by adding the Google Crawler user agent to your browser but I just use archive.is
The ole cock-thumb.