Thank you Jerry. Your invention was a great source of joy to me as a kid.
Jerry was father to all of us who grew up in that era, in a small way 🙏
And as a direct result of his creation, he was also responsible for the art of blowing dust out of the cartridge so it would boot.
I haven’t read his bio, but I knee-jerk get sad seeing these pioneers because whenever I read more about them they often include something like:
“Despite the huge popularity of Thing They Created, they received no royalties and died in poverty.”
The unsaid part is that someone else got rich off their genius. Every time, it makes me want to join the communist party.
Capitalism has taken so much from society that it is impossible to quantify.
Hmmm… going by this video, the Fairchild games (and controllers) were impressively innovative for the day, considering that Pong-like games ruled at the time. Unfortunately, it appears that with the Atari 2600 being released less than a year later, Channel F’s thunder was essentially stolen, and rightly so because of the A2600’s superior complexity and innovaton. So close, and yet so far!
the A2600’s superior complexity
Now there’s a phrase that I didn’t expect to see. :-)
I do think that the console’s controllers look kind of interesting. I’ve never seen them before, sort of an alternate fork in console controller design that we didn’t go down. A handle with a six-degrees-of-freedom thumbstick on top.
Now there’s a phrase that I didn’t expect to see. :-)
I feel there’s a lot to talk about in that area. Not only were the A2600 games clearly superior to the Fairchild’s right off the bat, but the programmers kept pushing the envelope year after year with all kinds of little tricks & techniques.
Also, it’s kind of mind-blowing to me how Mattel began work on the Intellivision as early as 1975, eventually got it out the door with significantly superior hardware specs in 1979, yet kind of fumbled the ball when it came to the controllers, and specifically failed when it came to their library of games and the ‘fun-factor.’
Legendary games like Adventure could have been topped so easily on the Intellivision, yet they somehow missed the opportunity. Or a simple yet brilliant game like “Warlords” was somehow more fun than anything ever produced on the INTV, far as I know. How could that happen?
Then again, Atari sort of failed in similar fashion in preparing to win the next round of the console wars, being utterly blown out of the water by the Nintendo NES a whole 8yrs after the A2600 first came out. That pretty much killed off their whole console line, with the “Lynx” being their last gasp IIRC.
Haha, sorry for the ramble. Just chatty at the moment…
Jaguar and Lynx. The Lynx was Epyx’s last gasp as well. The Epyx guys who created it were former Amiga designers, and it’s a bit hilarious that Atari had to buy Amigas from their nemesis Commodore to be able to develop games for Lynx.
Oops, late reply. But yeah, that rings a bell!
Indeed, I recall reading a fascinating article about their rise & fall, along with Sierra Online I think it was. Maybe over at The Dot-Eaters or such. [link]
I don’t know what it is, but these histories, what with their twists, turns, ironies, and terribly-made decisions, are downright fascinating to me.
While I did play a few games on the A2600, I never owned one myself. I do have to say that I remember the joysticks – these things – requiring a fair bit of muscle to work compared to any other joysticks that I’ve used.
If I remember correctly, I think the game I liked the most on it was Combat.
with the “Lynx” being their last gasp IIRC
Yeah, I do remember that. Had a friend who had one, possibly because I – probably bad advice – recommended it over the Game Gear.
Then again, Atari sort of failed in similar fashion in preparing to win the next round of the console wars, being utterly blown out of the water by the Nintendo NES a whole 8yrs after the A2600 first came out
You know, I thought that the Sega Master System predated the NES, but I just looked it up, and apparently the NES was 1983, and the Master System was 1986. So I guess it really was the NES that hit it first.
If I remember correctly, I think the game I liked the most on it was Combat.
Good game for sure (based on an actual Atari arcade game), but oh man, that system had many games equally-good, as well as borderline amazing. For example, their version of Defender’s sequel Stargate was -seriously- impressive. You can try it out (and others) at this link if you care to:
You know, I thought that the Sega Master System predated the NES, but I just looked it up, and apparently the NES was 1983, and the Master System was 1986. So I guess it really was the NES that hit it first.
Oof, I forgot about the Sega MS. Actually, I’d say that was a much closer race than any of the earlier comparisons. For example, they were really close in hardware capability IIRC, with the NES hitting NA in 1985, and the Sega MS coming over ~one year later. By that point I wasn’t really in to consoles anymore, but IIRC theirs was a reasonably close sales and popularity race.
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1984) is pretty wild for being on a console from 1977 with 128 bytes of RAM. Clearly some fun programming tricks were learned in those seven years.
Fun fact: altho the early (and average) A2600 carts were 4k, they could actually be much larger, such as 16k, or even 64k, as with the later “Megaboy” by Dynacom. The key factor of course was the cost of memory at the time, and with more memory, that’s how you get more sprawling games like Pitfall 2.
So yeah, Pitfall 1 was 4k, while Pitfall 2 lazily only used 11k of it’s physical 16k or ROM size.
No no no, can’t be a black man, I was told black men didn’t invent things?
Obviously /s, and great work from him. He looks like a cool dude to have a beer with, just wish he could have lived in a country where he would be normally celebrated for his work.
He looks like a huge nerd. My kind of guy.
I feel bad for the mother who had to birth it.
Was it a game boy or game girl?
I’ll always upvote posts about Jerry Lawson. The Fairchild Channel F was truly revolutionary.
He looks like a fun hang. He seems to exude authentic joy.
Oh my god, the woke athiest satan worshipping libruhls were ramming this forced diversity DEI down our throats even back then?! /S
The Atari was launched in 1977. Looks like he was 5 years too late.
I assume '82 is the year the photo was taken.
Fairchild Channel F was a year earlier.