New member of the family, 5-month old female. Suggestions welcomed!
I support this idea :)
I’ve never seen him so down, or ever before.
Scrufella for female
That’s… awful.
Scrufella P. Sprinklebottom
That’s her full legal name for when she gets in trouble
Or when her mom yells at them.
Infinitely. I would die for her!
I actually thought that as soon as I saw it.
She looks like a Penny to me.
Scruffy. The Janitor.
Or, Seymour Butts.
Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca Warner III or Dot for short.
The department of transportation?
Dammit, beat me to it
That adorable pooch is the only hope we have of stopping the nothing.
Saoirse. Sounds like ‘Sursha’.
She played Erin, Orla McCool was a great name, And Sibohan (Shabonne) was the nun on Derry Girls. Had to watch that with closed captions, but so hilarious!
She looks like a Daisy to me.
Any preferences (food, flowers, human names, favorite movies/shows)?
If human names maybe Sally or Ellie?
Yep, we’re going human We have three cats:Maisie, Lila, Walter, and a dog: Fletcher.
Whelp, I’m out. I don’t believe in it. Neither do Zombii, Lil’ Bitty, or Luna Bear
That dogs name is obviously scruffles
Short for Bojangles.
I like Bo! Short for Bo Peep too
I see something old-times, like Pearl or Ethel.
Elsie. It was the name of one of the little girls killed in the recent Southport stabbing attack in the UK.
Just what I want to be reminded of every time I call my dog
? Five month Female…
You heard what he said. Fred.
Right, said Fred.
Short for Winifred.
Romana: “Romanadvoratrelundar.”
The Doctor: “By the time I’ve called that out, you could be dead. I’ll call you Romana.”
Romana: “I don’t like Romana.”
The Doctor: “It’s either Romana or Fred.”
Romana: “All right, call me Fred.”
So? She looks like a Fred!