Open up a dispute with your credit card company. The merchant will have to provide a receipt of some type to the bank, to prove a transaction took place
Open up a dispute with your credit card company. The merchant will have to provide a receipt of some type to the bank, to prove a transaction took place
She played Erin, Orla McCool was a great name, And Sibohan (Shabonne) was the nun on Derry Girls. Had to watch that with closed captions, but so hilarious!
Yep, we’re going human We have three cats:Maisie, Lila, Walter, and a dog: Fletcher.
Water contains two elements, hydrogen (very explosive) and oxygen, which can make almost anything burn. You’d think tossing a match into a body of water would end all life, for the amount of stored Oxygen and Hydrogen. It won’t because it is essentially ash. Inert. It takes a large amount of energy to separate the Oxygen and Hydrogen from each other, before either could be used again. That is the problem. That’s why we don’t pour a gallon of water into a tank and head across country.
Salt, as it dissolves into the glue. But I imagine a couple of sand grains would be fine, as long as you keep it away from the visual area, since sanding might bring it out and scratch the surface
Wood species and joinery would be critical. A through tenon and an oak might be enough. Middle would likely be a bit “soft” , support would be coming from the three ends.
I lean towards two finishes. Wipe-on poly, about 6 coats, then sanded back down to smooth with 320-400 after hard dry, or Briwax, for a quick wax coating.
Yep, something like one plane per day would have to go down to equal US auto deaths.