I’ve never smoked, but I’ve been around people that do. What do people feel during/after smoking? It doesn’t seem to make people high or hallucinate or anything. It maybe mildly relaxes them?
There’s a mild light-headed “high” when you start.
It surpresses appetite (at first).
It can help make “going to the bathroom” easier.
It pairs well with coffee, marijuana, and alcohol.
In social or work situations, it’s a way to get 5 minutes to yourself, or at least break off to a smaller group with just the smokers.
Due to the addiction it’s a constant vicious cycle of cravings -> appeasement. It’s terrible for you and costs a fortune. Prices have doubled in the last 10 years in my area. Besides the cost of your health which has always been high.
I think the main reason it helps people reduce stress is they have to leave a situation to go outside or to another room in order to smoke and they’re taking a deep breath. I found the feeling of breathing in the smoke (throat hit I believe it’s called) and then breathing it out and seeing the smoke cloud very satisfying. Similar to chewing gum I suppose. Also, I rolled my own filter-less cigs so I had the added element of rolling it and picking out strands of tobacco hanging out of the end whilst smoking as a kind of fidget action. I prefer vaping now and don’t think I’d go back to smoking cigarettes regularly but I have started smoking a cigar with a beer some weekends just in the last few months. As some have stated the actual feeling from the nicotine is similar to caffeine but more short lived.
It forces you into addiction. It alters the feel-good hormones in you brain. And every addict will tell you the same thing, their poison will give them relaxation and clears their mind. Same as alcoholic, watching frequent porn, frequent coffee drinker and drug addict. The difference is how strong/mild and how harmful it is to the human body. The more they do it, the more they built up tolerance, hence doing more of the same activity.
People usually start from peer pressure or when they face stressful conditions. And when they do it, it gave them the temporary relief from that stressful condition. But the fact is they’re just too weak and their mind too maliable unable to face the stressful condition.
It makes me not want a cigarette for a while.
I never smoked for any length. What everyone says is pretty much correct. I did occasionally take a few puffs when I was younger. Did give you a bit of a short rush but also could make you feel bit gross after.
Nasty habit though and seriously hard to break.
The feeling of taking a drag of a cigarette when you’re craving is unequal to any pleasure I’ve had in my life. Of course that’s due to the addiction, and I don’t recommend anyone smoke. But gott damn, it is bliss.
Fortunately I no longer need to smoke usually. But the second I drink the first sip of my beer, the craving hits very hard. Then I give myself in, and it’s so, so goddamn good I cannot even describe it. Fuck smoking. A hate that I love it when I drink.
Nicotine creates a temporary feeling of well-being and relaxation, and increases heart rate and the amount of oxygen the heart uses. As nicotine enters the body, it causes a surge of endorphins, which are chemicals that help to relieve stress and pain and improve mood.
After you’ve experienced all the above, it’s incredibly difficult to stop. Never start smoking!
I feel extremely lucky that smoking only seems to give me anxiety.
In retrospect it’s amazing how the nicotine addiction causes you to accept hocking up giant wads of brownish-black phlegm every morning as entirely normal.
Who are you the Marlboro Man? Nothing you wrote is correct at all. You don’t get any feeling other than nicotine withdrawal. Relieving the nicotine withdrawal will of course feel good but if you never had any nicotine in your body to begin with, nicotine does nothing to make you feel good. It does not cause a surge of endorphins. For sure it makes your heart rate go up, because it contracts your blood veins, but that’s not good either…
I don’t get why there are so many pro-nicotine people here. I guess they have to defend their addiction?
If you try nicotine for the first time, you will feel dizzy and sick. But you will start to crave more nicotine. When you redeem that craving you will feel “good”. But that “good” is actually just feeling normal. Think of it as if you put on too tight shoes, walked around with them, and then took them of again for a little while and then put them back on.
I smoked and used other nicotine products for 10 years, but after learning the truth about nicotine it was easy to quit. It’s a very pointless drug but also very lucrative for those selling it…
I didn’t see much in the way of pro-nicotine comments. People just answered the question about what they got out of it. Most also said it was a terrible habit.
Your experience with it being easy to quit doesn’t seem to be typical, but it was great that it worked out that way.
Nicotine (the main active ingredient in tobacco) is a mild stimulant. It can help people relax or focus better. You can also get a bit of a headshot if you smoke intensely
There are also cultural benefits. Hanging out informally with others, especially at work can be useful. A 10 min informal tea break every now and again would be better but that’s the world we have got in many workplaces.
I started smoking because I realized I’d be disadvantaged (and miss out on friends) by not participating in my former office’s smoke breaks. It’s really hard to understate the social aspect. I met so many people by just standing places with a cigarette. Potential dates/partners, work connections, etc… Standing out with a cigarette is like a beacon for people to chat with you or ask to bum one. It’s a shortcut to socialization.
But don’t do it. They’re awful, take all your money, and make you feel and smell like death. It stops being fun after like a week, tops.
It relaxes and grounds you. I started during a particularly stressful exam phase and it helped with managing stress.
It’s easy to get into conversations with strangers.
But the topic is always the same: Habits around smoking and the inability to stop.
I never smoked but know smokers who could not sleep through the night. They would wake up ever couple of hours to smoke. That is miserable.
It’s very satisfying, kinda like how you feel after you just finished eating a big meal. A significant portion of that satisfying feeling is caused by the chemical dependence that the nicotine addiction itself caused in the first place, but that doesn’t change the fact that the feeling is very satisfying.
It satisfies the craving for nicotine, if they’re already dependent on it. Others need a smoke to poop.
Nothing good.
Source: was a smoker for 35 years. Quit last year.