Most people are killing their selves with third jobs to share apartments.
Freezing to death while drinking porridge?
No, Freezing to death while drinking porridge together
While they left Eeyore to freeze to death alone. Who’s the real ass here?
Poor Eeyore in his burro, no doubt muling and complaining.
Eh, better to celebrate those who could keep up than to fret over those who couldn’t.
That’s a great way to justify not putting in a wheelchair ramp
Drinking porridge out of cups? That’s sick.
Remnants of the German 6th Army commiserate over the last of their rations, Stalingrad, December 1942, colorized
We need to stop
attempts to normalizethe system that requires grind/hustle lifestyle to exist
Most people arekilling their selvesbeing killed by said system, that demands third jobs and to share apartments because those at the top need another yacht.FTFY
Abso-fucking-lutely, this, all the way.
People aren’t “work-a-holics.” They ain’t there because it’s their dream. They’re there because they need absurd amounts of money to survive in this neoliberal capitalist dystopia.
Those that say they rise and grind and love it are faking it til they make it. They’ll never make it, and will fake it to the grave.
I think both are true. I know plenty of people that take absolute undeniable pride in working 50-70 hour weeks every week and never taking a day off. It’s like their life’s defining characteristic.
Some people have no lives, because theirs was taken by the system.
It’s bad everywhere, but what’s scariest to me is the stories my girlfriend tells me about the hospitals she works in. She is a traveling radiographer and gets to visit some of the sketchier hospitals across the country. There seems to be a running theme of “we don’t have enough people” and a few bootlickers enabling it with working 90+ hour weeks. Every time you see in the news where a nurse accidentally screws something up, there is a running trail of them being over worked and short staffed. They pay my gf 3-5 times what they pay their xray tech staff, AND pay her room and board, AND a huge percentage on top of that to the contract house. The ineptitude of your run of the mill hospital administration is just…scary.
I am hearing more and more stories like this that collectively add up to a very bleak picture of terminal institutional rot beneath a nanometer-thin facade
Also I live with one of those bootlickers and all their opinions are exactly as myopic, contrarian and self-aggrandizing as you would think
Also I live with one of those bootlickers and all their opinions are exactly as myopic, contrarian and self-aggrandizing as you would think
“I delivered a cost reduction of 21 cents per man hour to the shareholders, so my bonus is going up this year” type of thing?
tHIs gEnerATIOn is sO LAzy, TheY JUST doN’T Want tO WorK!
Don’t normalize the grind. Rather normalize the unwind.
Pooh and gang enjoying the better grind, the coffee kind.
Normalize an 8 hour working day
Sounds pretty normal to me. At least for developed countries.
*4 hour Tiftfy
no thanks
Mine is 7hr 21mins. It is too long.
R.I.P. Piglet. They just let my boy freeze out there.
This is hygge.
Käften danskjävel
hyggelig indeed
Don’t feed yourself into the grind, feed coffee beans into the grind and share with the homies.
Un-normalise the word normalise.
Provocative removed
I wish I knew the context of this screenshot/what episode it was
All the animals of the Hundred Acres Woods, are living in tree they’re renting from Christopher Robin.
Normalise Pooh having a rough day? Sounds like grind to me!
Grind/hustle… that’s technically known as the Grustle.