Mouse Trap
Mouse Trap
Haven’t seen Hikok45 in a hot ass minute. He still alive?
Does AAA studio stand for Always Asking for Assets? and a AAAA studio is Assholes Always Asking for Assets.
Don’t worry they’ll be back and in greater numbers - Ben
She should give them a raise. Dodged that bullet like Neo.
People are playing Zelda at high frame rates?! NOT ON MY WATCH - Nintendo
Don’t catch you slippin’ now (on your lunch payments!)
They’ve got places to be and behind you isn’t one of them.
It’s also a Japanese company with Japanese work ethic.
Forced Conscription. Check.
Rigged Elections and kills all opposing candidates. Check.
Control of the state media and news outlets. Check.
Sounds right to me.
Bebop is my shit. Can confirm, no one else likes it around me.
It’s less about “new content” on Lemmy and more about “I have a social media addiction and need constant content to satisfy my insatiable media habit”. A lot of us are guilty of this, me included.
I bought it on PC and then saw it had nProtect. Then I refunded it and got it on PS5. Fuck root kit DRM.
Only if its new protagonists. Deacon and Sarah were kinda lame.
The fun part is if you are ok with installing it, it still crashes 9 times out of 10 on launch with an error and opening my browser.
Wait for the “Body Cam” games to flood the market with their UE5 asset flips. Its all shit.
Final Fantasy Only
Can’t wait to play this.
Lol I pirated a game the other day just because the company was charging full price for a remaster.