Waiting for memes to all converge on crabs.
Waiting for memes to all converge on crabs.
I’m sure that the admission staff will take your application very seriously if you claim you were James Bonding it up for a few years.
That’s not how employment NDAs work. They never forbid a candidate from disclosing that they worked for a company and the general nature of their work. They just forbid the candidate from talking about specific knowledge gained at the company.
Do not use this excuse because it’s an instant red flag for anyone who knows even a little about the hiring process.
I’m doing my part
If porky owns all the houses he can raise rent to much higher than “market” rates due to having a monopoly on an inelastic good.
Crows are self-aware just like humans
“Oh no, is my plumage too dark? Were the other crows laughing with me or at me? Is my crowing too high pitched? Was that raven offended when I mistook him for a crow?”
Catholics and Christians
The Orthodox:
Lean into it if you want. Have the PCs make friends with a guard NPC. Maybe do some quests for the guards. Then have the captain of the guards get killed (maybe while responding to a call from the NPCs) and then the NPC guard friend asks for the PCs help making sure that the next captain isn’t the obviously corrupt asshole/failson nepobaby/stooge of the big bad.
Alternatively, the captain of the guards dies and the replacement is one of the above people and now the guards are suddenly much more hostile to the party, demanding bribes, refusing to act against nobles breaking the law, or trying to arrest the party to help the big bad’s plans.
Well yeah, why wouldn’t China block a site full of libs?
Promoting colorism in a lesson about software that can be used to edit colors is… A strategy.
Idk maybe I just need to go meet more Indian people but none of the Indian people I’ve met to date look anything like Ronit and Sirahi here.
India has too many languages and cannot agree on one in common, which is why English is a “neutral” compromise. I understand that making Hindi the national language is a common Hindu Nationalist point.
Most of those bans are organizations saying that employees can’t install TikTok on organization issued phones and computers, which is not at all comparable to an overall ban? My work doesn’t allow me to play video games on work computers or drink on work property, but that’s not at all the same as a law banning all video games and alcohol.
Look at the Russian propaganda war in e.g. Germany, that shit can have a negative effect on the defensive abilities of a nation.
Yeah one problem with human and civil rights is that they tend to have negative effects on the defensive abilities of a nation. War would be so much easier if you could just arrest all the peace protestors, or hold suspected enemy agents without trial, or force people to work without pay in defence industries, or force women to give birth to more people so you can conscript more soldiers.
So let’s just do away with free speech and habeus corpus, reinstitute slave labor and force women to pop out lots of kids. Then Germany can defend itself again, just like the last two times.
Goalpost shifting, your original post said that TikTok is known to be spyware on a much greater level than anything else on this list.
Your statement isn’t true even if you prove that Tiktok is the worst offender on the list. You need to prove that Tiktok is worse to a much higher degree than anything else on that list. Your own source straight out says that at least 3 of the other companies on the list engage in similar practices.
TikTok, regardless of the country of origin, is known to be spyware on a much greater level than everything else on this list.
From the very first link:
TikTok is not the only company that uses its pixels throughout the internet. The report found Google, Meta and Microsoft, among others, use these trackers.
Rigorous scholarship there, champ.
TikTok is not the only company that uses its pixels throughout the internet. The report found Google, Meta and Microsoft, among others, use these trackers.
Your first link has a sentence expressly disproving your own thesis, so in addition to concluding you are a racist, I can also now conclude that you didn’t read your own sources.
Is there some way to trick the chatgpt training bots by intentionally mislabeling data? Like can I upload some furry pornography tasteful erotica and label it “AP US history assignment - Civil War”?
If it’s really about the military as you suggest then the extremely easy solution is to order service members not to use Tik Tok.
Passing a specific law to compell the sale of one specific company is arguably some sort of Bill of Attainder, which I’m sure ByteDance’s lawyers will be argueing as soon as Biden’s pen touches paper.
Source: Trust me bro [1]
[1] I don’t like people who look different from me.
Dedollarization and constant US imperial overreach are the two factors which are most likely to break US imperialism in the mid to long term.
American economic dominance is propped up by the ubiquity of the dollar in general trade as well as the Petro dollar. In general trade, more and more countries are pivoting to trading in their own currencies or Euros and Yuan and Rubles because of the destruction of confidence in the US dollar as a neutral reserve currency due to recent sanctions against Russia. In terms of the Petro dollar, the trend of decarbonization means that oil will be a less critical commodity over time and even now we see the likes of Saudi Arabia agreeing to sell oil to China in Yuan. Without US dollar dominance, America will not be able to print as many dollars to service its debts, which will lead to either inflation or debt default.
America, like the UK and France before it, doesn’t have the ability to fight all of its repressed imperial subjects at once. The cracks are starting to show at the US giving up against the Houthis in Yemen. The US and EU has also pegged its military prestige to the war in Ukraine, which is also starting to turn. Not only are they taking a reputational hit with every picture of a burnt out Abrams or Leopard, but lesser US allies are also starting to see that full US support doesn’t guarantee victory. Even within US policy circles there is some acknowledgement that defeat in Ukrain could lead to some sort of Suez moment for the US and NATO.