Its attatched to the toilet paper dispenser. Ive literally looked at it multiple times a day for like 10 months and my brain never noticed
Anyone else feel like theyre one step from being blind? I always lose so much shit in plain site. Sometimes I leave a wallet on my desk, which I use daily, and I can’t find it for days. I’ll even MOVE IT and not realize its my wallet.
I got that ADHD where after walking though someone’s house once I’ll hear them say something like “man I haven’t seen my X in awhile” and I’ll immediately go “it’s under the pile of magazines by the shelves”.
I can’t remember anyones birthdays or my own fuckin social security number when I need to, but I remember seeing some random objects after only being in a room once. Three months ago.
And not right away it needs to be 3 months ago too.
Gotta give the tism time to work it’s magic lol
I remember license plate numbers but not names
My dyslexia could never.
I can’t remember names or license plate numbers lol. Thank God for dash cams I guess lol
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So you go, “Hey ASSMAN!”?
Yes, but that’s unrelated.
Sometimes I get stuff like that too, where I remember some incredibly obscure shit, but can’t recite my SSN sometimes.
We dont have to luxury to choose what we want to remember.
And it’s not as reliable or “always on” as those people with photographic memory either lol.
It’s like trying to store data with randomly bad sectors so we just end up with all this half complete gibberish at times haha
ADHD could be renamed all-or-nothing-disorder and I’d feel it’s still accurate lol. Memory especially for me always feels like it’s either scary good or useless. Working memory definitely suffers the worst.
All-or-nothing is a great way of putting it. I have a ton of information in my head but it only sticks if it is of particular interest to me. Getting information to stick that I don’t give a crap about takes ages. It took me till I was probably 25 until I fully memorized my SSN. Even then I still forget it all the time. I remember the last 4 consistently but the whole thing I still have to double check lol.
a friend asked me if I’ve seen the remote as he was flipping channels
When you work in IT and get a ticket for a computer that won’t turn on. (The power was out)
Memory from middle school. The extension cord was unplugged. Of course the computers didn’t run.
2 of us wanted to tell the teacher who was trying to turn them on, but multiple times we were stopped right after “miss” with something along the lines of “Don’t think you know everything, I don’t need to hear your advice.”
OK, I guess. She called a technician. I just wish we were still there to see that.
In this case the building was totally dark. The user was troubleshooting with a flash light. At some point it dawned on them that computers need power.
I’ve sorta built the habit of just blurting out the piece of the puzzle that is missing. It usually brings about a bit of confusion and curiosity to them to make them receptive to listening or turning around and see where you are pointing.
I’ve searched for my glasses on my head at least twice in life.
This implies you neither use nor change the toilet paper… Interesting…
I just change it normally? I’m just so blind I domt even see the key
This is a normal ADHD thing. We can easily space an item that’s blended into the environment. It’s why I have to move the whiteboard that says “DON’T FORGET YOUR MULITVITAMIN” to a new location every two weeks or I’ll never see it again (and thus, not take the multivitamin).
Thanks for reminding me to take the fucking iron.
Edit: Taken.
Or are we missing something? It would be plainly obvious without the tp roll, no?
Early last week, I had a kidney stone attack. I was taking a picture for my doctor of the blood clots that I’d pissed out, and I noticed the toilet was … not great. So I took the pictures, poured don’t bleach in, swished it around and waited for the next attack phase.
This morning, I walked in to use the bathroom (as I’ve been doing this entire week), and there was a bottle of bleach sitting right out in front of the toilet. Like, when you’re moving to sit down, you need to maneveur around the bottle; and when you’re sitting, you have to keep your legs apart to accommodate this gallon bottle of bleach.
I have been maneveuring around this extremely inconveniently placed bottle of bleach cut an entire week, and I have no memory of it! It’s so infuriating!
Re: your wallet: maybe put a Tile in it? Or designate one specific place for it to live in the house?
Anyone else feel like theyre one step from being blind?
More than once, I’ve lost my phone in my other hand. So, yes. lol
Probably not a great idea to share photos of your house keys online. It’s not all that difficult to reverse-engineer the bitting from a photo.
Though your average house door lock is easier to pick than the average nose, so.
Dude has a higher chance of getting hit by an asteroid.
Except his “house key” is a bump key.
You got the key, finding where it goes is the hard part.
Though if OP ever posted a pic outside the window rainbolt could probably find them in 30 minutes.
My grandma buried her dentures in the flower pot
I suggest you give it a good once over with soap and water.
The gremlins were done with them.
I have those same toilet paper holders
I found my car keys after a few weeks inside a backpack. Had to use the spare ones the whole time.
Do you have roommates or live with anyone?
I know this is dark, but if there’s someone else with access to this space, this could be a gaslighting attempt.
Basic strategy would go like:
- Hide your thing
- You look for it for months, eventually give up
- Put your thing in a very obvious location
I know this is just a goofy post, but I’m worried for you if you live with someone else who’d be in a position to do that.
Nah I actually remember putting it there but my ADHD brain doesn’t
I don’t have adhd and this just popped up in my feed. Can you please explain what you mean by that? How do you remember yet not remember at the same time?
It’s actually pretty easy. You don’t think about or know something at all. Maybe this thing is really important to you, but that doesn’t matter. Then when you find out the answer all of the details come flooding back to you. So not only do you now know where the thing is, what you were doing, how to proceed, etc. But you also remember knowing it the whole time. I like to describe my ADHD as having pretty good memory, actually. I’m just not the one in control of how I use it. I will remember specific things in insane detail, but forget important things. I have a feel for things that I’ll remember and use it to my advantage. I know I can remember rules/policies really well so I try to read them when I can. I’m a certified arborist because of that.
How much weed do you smoke?
Literally none