Mastodon is great if your interests are Linux and FOSS.
Mastodon is great if your interests are Linux and FOSS.
I have it on my tablet (Android), and I love it. It is so simple, but satisfying.
I think this community is doing a pretty great job in their search for stupid questions.
They can clog up storm water drainage systems and lead to flooding. That’s the only good reason. I rake them up and mulch them with my mower.
Yang has never held office. I don’t think he has any business in the highest levels of politics. He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know.
Just write the URL down on a piece of paper. Break it out when you have some time to kill.
I’ve never heard of this, and thought you made it up at first.
I retract my previous opinion. I forgot about the animaniacs. And freakazoid. But his movies? No thank you.
Unpopular opinion, this is the only work of Spielberg’s that I like. I can’t stand his movies.
How is this uplifting?
They don’t actually want to know the answer. Their just high roading everyone about not visiting YouTube.
I bet doctors need to retrain and recertify too.
I don’t think the phrase “today I learned” implies truth. OP just learned lies today. /s
Making sure the ram is properly seated would be where I started.
Autism 1 makes me laugh. Don’t miss the other entries in the autism franchise.
I miss the older marathons. Everything was in person, which I feel had better energy. And the runs were simpler. I don’t really like 4-way races, or controller passing whatever. It’s all a gimmick as far as I’m concerned. I like paying attention to the games and how skilled the runners are.
I feel the same way about breast milk. From a glass? No thank you. From the tap? Yes please.
I somehow read this as cured by worlds first British doctor.
This is a standalone game. A spinoff of elden ring.