They can be found on Mastodon here: @debian@framapiaf.org
They can be found on Mastodon here: @debian@framapiaf.org
Why not just use Powershell then? It’s been available for Linux for a long time. I use it for scripting quite often
I’ll second the importance of core for avoiding back pain. I do mostly abs focused core workouts and that helps a lot for me personally.
I think it’s quite a few Ubisoft games that are affected. So kinda yes and no. But for me it broke Firefox and I had to roll back, so that update in general is just an awful pile of garbage
Sind leider(?) nicht nur die Explodierer. Weiß von genug Leuten, 20-30, die an Flache Erde, Autismusimpfung und Jüdische Weltalllaser glauben. Desinformation funktioniert universell egal bei welcher Bevölkerungsgruppe
Weird as hell take. His first example is League of Legends. Yes it is client server based, so give people the server binaries. Despite me not liking the game itself, LoL is huge and it would be shame to lose that history whenever it inevitably dies out.
And he mentioned that if this law would go through, no one would build live service games anymore. Oh no what a shame that would be… And it is absolutely wrong. Because guess what, the OGs of live service games, Valve, would need to do nothing at all if this went in to action. You can play TF2, CS2 (and yes even CSGO) and DotA 2 today by just running your own server. It’s not that hard.
Edit: Somehow I brain-farted live service as live action, woops
Nein, bitte, bleib nicht. Warum gerade der?! 😭 Zumindest ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer das die FDP zusammen fällt und an der 5% scheitert
Gibt noch einen weiteren: Infrastruktur zur Herstellung nuklearer Waffen und Randbereichen wie Medizin und Raumfahrt. Aber beides in Deutschland nicht so relevant. Bei ersterem hoffe ich es zumindest stark.
If AI is only a “parrot” as you say, then why should there be worries about extinction from AI?
You should look closer who is making those claims that “AI” is an extinction threat to humanity. It isn’t researchers that look into ethics and safety (not to be confused with “AI safety” as part of “Alignment”). It is the people building the models and investors. Why are they building and investing in things that would kill us?
AI doomers try to 1. Make “AI”/LLMs appear way more powerful than they actually are. 2. Distract from actual threats and issues with LLMs/“AI”. Because they are societal, ethical, about copyright and how it is not a trustworthy system at all. Cause admitting to those makes it a really hard sell.
Not sure how Japanese law has anything to do with this. I’m pretty sure under US law (the one that ultimately matters for streaming) leaves all the rights of recorded videos of the game with the right holders of the game. That you’re allow to record/stream games at all has no legal precedent, it’s just a wise business decision by publisher to not forbid it (anymore).
And legality aside. As a dev I wouldn’t want racist or bigoted streamers to show my game and make money off of my work. Same with leakers. Sure for a big company I don’t care but if someone leaked an indie devs work, we would consider it a dick move as well.
Unless I’m missing something, the post is plain wrong in some parts. You can’t POST to a Cross-Site API because the browser will send a CORS preflight first before sending the real request. The only way around that are iirc form submits, for that you need csrf protection.
Also the CORS proxy statement is wrong if I don’t misunderstand their point. They don’t break security because they are obviously not the cookie domain. They’re the proxy domain so the browser will never send cookies to it.
Anyways, don’t trust the post or me. Just read https://owasp.org/ for web security advice.
Unciv is pretty cool, it is Civ 5 but you can play on mobile as well. It was great to have the “One more turn” feel while stuck on a train.
Amazon Web Services, the largest cloud provider in the world
It is literally just Nvidia Encoder. So hardware encoding on Nvidia GPUs. What codes are supported depends on the GPU
Agreed. Even going back to sharing stuff via Whatsapp or something like that, they are going to evade control for sure. But when will society be ready to just be honest with kids about what exists and teach them how to safely explore that and give them context? I guess we’d rather have dystopian control than that
It is also mentioned that the rules could get superseded by EU law requiring identification as well. And with the US doing stupid stuff as well you might run out of VPN locations in the future
https://www.politico.eu/article/spain-builds-porn-passport-to-stop-kids-watching-smut/ I guess this? Wild stuff.
In modern languages you can name them with labels as well yes. Not sure about the syntax right now. Something like (?label:…) I think
As I assume you’re not looking for FOSS-only solutions, you probably want to go with Jetbrains IDEs (IntelliJ). They are arguably the best IDEs around and have native Linux versions.
I assume you are mostly working with C/C++. I don’t have first experience with CLion but haven’t heard anything negative about it.