Leute wie dich, die Hass und Angst verbreiten? Gute Frage.
Leute wie dich, die Hass und Angst verbreiten? Gute Frage.
When they were asked to implement age verification in Germany, they simply pulled anything off their platform in the country that would require it instead. Mind you Germany has a system that makes age verification anonymous so if privacy concerns you, you could just implement it. (Almost no platform does because they want your data though.)
Valve doesn’t want to touch age verification with a 10 yard stick and that tells me it is probably the way to go here. Because once they have it, the path for more regulations is clear.
And as the article already says what’s even worse is the cocktail of chemicals in those filters which are even more harmful than simple PET and the like.
I have to say I very much prefer the combat system in OS as it feels much more natural and less restrictive than the DnD combat in BG3. Of course the latter has far more content, but I’m looking forward to Larian’s next game where they can finally go wild again and do things they want exactly the way they want.
Tech bros like Bill Gates used open source communities like an all-you-can-monetize buffet to build a closed operating system. The rest is history.
Ich würde nicht mal sagen „stattdessen“, sondern „ergänzend dazu“. Eine Kontrollgruppe von zufälligen Bürgern bei Abstimmungen (natürlich mit ausreichender Vorbereitung zur Abstimmung) kann dazu beitragen, dass das Volk demographisch besser vertreten wird und ich finde das eine grundsätzlich gute Idee. Aber Milliardäre muss es trotzdem nicht geben.
Populismus passt sowieso nicht zu ihrem Image. Damit würden sie nur ihre Stammwähler vergraulen, denke ich. Auf dem Gebiet könnten sie auch nicht mithalten, denn AfD, Zarenknecht und CxU haben einfach viel mehr Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet.
Topfvollgold ist auch einfach ein Ehrenkanal. Wäre schön, wenn es Ihn nicht geben müsste, aber es ist gut, Ihn zu haben.
Diesem Amtsinhaber wurde gerade das Vertrauen abgesprochen. Der hat dort gar nichts mehr zu suchen.
I honestly expected TGA to be more tone deaf and not address it at all after speeches about the „golden era for gaming“ from previous years. The entire award show is a PR stunt anyway. At least this single award spreads some awarenes and reminds us layoffs aren‘t just a number, but real people.
You can‘t even rate early access games for obvious reasons. Nominating it for GOTY is just silly and potentially very awkward for the devs.
That couldn’t be further from the truth. Mutliplayer games are a huge undertaking because you have no choice but to develop and test for any possible individuality and keep pushing new patches so the game can keep running smoothly. Not to speak of server costs and complex match making systems that typically come with it. No, multiplayer games are hard to make and they’re rarely ever finished.
China mad Japan won in American awards. You love to see it.
They’re not looking into blatant gambling in AAA titles, of course they won’t take a closer look into an indie game. They’re completely useless.
Yeah that’s what I said. But it doesn’t explain the general sentiment here at all.
None of the downsides you’ve mentioned are exclusive to online games, though. Publishers put these mechanics in single player games as often as they do it in online games so you criticism doesn’t make much sense here, to be honest. There are also countless online games that don’t have any of those things.
Alright, I accept this is your opinion but the overall aversion to multiplayer on Lemmy surprises me. Games have historically been multiplayer experiences since human existence. Go back thousands of years to ancient mesopotamia and people will play games with each other. And even in videogames, they play a huge part. I’ve had countless fun hours in games like Super Smash Bros., Minecraft multiplayer or Team Fortress 2 and I’m always looking forward to multiplayer experiences that look interesting. I’m not sure what you mean by
get your customers to make the content for you for free
in this particular case. Do the devs have a bad track record when it comes to this? Because it’s not something exclusive to online games by any means.
Anyway I understand the title rubs people the wrong way because it’s nonsene of course, but I don’t get the hate. It’s almost like people want the same old stuff wrapped in a new shell over an over again when they criticize studios solely for going into a new direction instead of making yet another sequel.
Why the hate for multiplayer? Yes the title is wrong but the trailer looks simple and fun.
I have not played it myself but what I’ve seen of it looks at the very least polished and made with care. That being said there just wasn’t that much competition this year. The industry is overshadowed with mass layoffs and a smaller budget pool. And yes, of course some good games released, but nothing in the ballpark of a Baldur’s Gate 3 or GTA 5.
Well the entity is the government. You know, the guys who create your ID in the first place. It’s not perfect but it’s the best one I could conceive.