And guess what is on back order at every nearby pharmacy? I’ll give you a hint: it’s not the $300 per month name brand.
So I guess I switch to Adderall xr tomorrow?
Oh it gets even worse. Past couple months I’ve gotten generic vyvanse, and it just straight up doesn’t work at all. Talked to my doctor, he looked at it, and it’s from “sun pharma” in India. It’s either counterfeit or missing ingredients because he said over the last month about 20 other patients said the same thing about the same exact pills.
I’m extremely lucky that my insurance covers name brand meds, so he wrote me a “dispense as written” script and I got legit vyvanse now and it actually works.
Point is even if you could get generic vyvanse, it might be fake ass dogshit that doesn’t do jack.
Yikes. I’ve been in take what I can get mode since the generic came out. Sometimes I was getting brand name, sometines generic. But I never noticed a difference. And I definitely would have!
Seems like it’s a disrupt recent development. He said pills from India or china tend to either not work or be less effective, based on how his patients report to him.
$300 a month? That’s so fucked. I’m assuming USA. I’m paying like $20 for Elvanse.
Land of the free, home of the brave!
Heck, I’m paying $7.5! Prices across the Atlantic are WILD
I pay £10 a month regardless of what medication it is. And will never have the concern some medication is “no longer covered”
That’s great, but of course it only applies to medication covered by the NHS. Otherwise it’s not prescribed.
Has there been a supply shortage on generic Vyvanse? I’ve had my generic Vyvanse filled the last few months without issue.
Yes it’s crazy
Odd. Is this a recent thing? Like I said, I haven’t had any issues getting mine filled.
Count your lucky stars!
There seems to always be shortages on Adderall or Vyvanse. The government limits how much can be produced, so the supply is not based on demand. If the major insurers stop paying for the name brand, then demand for the generic will go up even more.
Well that’s dumb. They should allow the production to be a total supply number, rather than by the manufacturer, so generics can pump out as much as they want to the overall limit and undercut the brand name supplier, forcing their hand in lowering the price.
You’ve described capitalism and not the corporate socialism our pharmaceutical overlords get to enjoy. In many cases, the same company produces both the name brand and generic versions of a drug.
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