Black chain is dead. No one cares anymore
Black chain is dead. No one cares anymore
I don’t understand the hate for voyager. Sure it had some problems, but I thought it was great. Both at the time and looking back on it
That’s not uncommon for doctors offices and such
You don’t lose info as long as the offset is marked correctly
Logging in local time is fine as long as the offset is marked. Everything else I agree with you though
Yes it’s crazy
I generally play the “good” roles because it’s generally the harder path. I generally don’t really get into the character or story of games. So it’s just a matter of choosing the option which is more “elite”. I know that’s pretty stupid lol
At my work, we have a big Rails app with lots of tests
Of course they need a blog post to get test times down to something that’s already way too slow. Ruby and Rails are such a dumpster fires
Wtf. You can’t possibly be suggesting that any of this is a good idea
It’s because it’s hard to make them correct. It’s not any harder to write it in rust than in C. Just C lets you do it wrong
IE you can quickly and easily write C that compiles but has runtime issues.
So what’s “easy” about it then? Just getting something to compile? That’s not a very good measure of “easyness”.
How so? That’s like, the thing that makes rust awesome to write.
Coding is rust is amazing. It feels so right
Why not choose rust instead of C, then you can trivially write python bindings directly to your rust
Yes Rust is harder to write than C
I would totally argue with this. Rust is way easier to write than C
If the universe is finite and there’s nothing infinite beyond, infinite concepts cannot exist.
But how are mirrors real if your eyes don’t exist?
See. I can post nonsense too
Yeah, I missed the part where they wanted it to be built into the browser
To compile stuff for macs without having to buy a mac
It doesn’t have to be fully unique either. How about revisiting the delta quadrant?
Lol dangerous?