gotta be one of my favorite historical photographs
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This is the guy you want to back in time to have lunch with.
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The fact that it’s such an old picture and he’s smiling makes it look like this was taken at one of those photo shops at the mall where they have old timey costumes lol! He must have sat there smiling and holding that bowl for like 10 minutes!
By 1901 cameras had gotten faster, but there was still a ‘culture’ of solemn posing in the West.
Honestly, I have a hard time believing ANYBODY would have teeth that nice and straight in 1901.
This looks like an ads for a chinese restaurant lol
Apparently the Chinese didn’t “know” photos were serious business, thus this goofing off. So was said in previous discussion of this photo.
This has a really modern feel to it. Looks like a cool dude.
Smiling, especially that wide, was not a common thing to do back then. Stern looks were common because people like George Washington had their faces painted and they had to pose for a very long time. It pretty much stuck around until the cameras got faster. I also think it’s another part being foreign to Euro/American influences so there was no “gentlemen” way of posing for reference.
I’ve heard that too about old photography.
And that will haunt me in my nightmares. Thank you.
It’s bean my pleasure.
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thats just tyler the creator