And if you put two buttons in front of me, and one said “accomplish literally nothing for the entire rest of your life” and the other one said “participate in a single structured activity” I’d immediately slam the first one.
Y’all gotta stop being so relatable.
Do I have to accept more pain to make this shit brain work?
Ie. Going into “prison”
But how do we stop? I’ve been thinking about my days on Adderall when I was younger and that maybe I need to be back on something like that to get out of the hellscape that is my head.
Is there some kind of “reverse ADHD”? I feel the complete opposite.
I mean… not opposite, but in this specific case: Autism?
Yes. Structure (of my choosing and creation) is good. And executive dysfunction is always present (the structure helps combat it some but anything outside the routine is really hard to get to).
Exactly this!
I also get mad when someone interrupts my routine.
Yup, there’s good reason I do the same things the same/similar way every day!
Edit to add: I literally run on my routine as oppose to running on what time it is NT’s seem to, by which I mean, for example - I won’t have breakfast/lunch/dinner depending on it being breakfast/lunch/dinner time, but rather on where I am in my routine, so I’ll often have “breakfast” after noon, “lunch” in the evening, and “dinner” in the small hours of the morning, just because those are the times it happened to be when I reached those points in my routine, rather than the time of day dictating my actions… Does that make sense?