Yeah they really buried some critical information on this one. I get the point of the article about general surveillance but when people feel tricked they get burned out on the issue and trust the media less. They could have made the point they wanted without making it clickbait.
I personally see it as “hyperfocus” when I’m talking about minutes or hours and “fixations” when on the scale of weeks or months. But I have a lot of opinions about semantics for someone who isn’t a professional 😂
And I agree with his point in the video, probably because I first saw it years ago so I’m already biased and it’s also very much the case for me. It’s perseveration. I can’t break away from the task, sometimes even if I’m screaming at myself internally to do so. I hate it and it feels like I’m malfunctioning at the time. Hyperfocus sounds like a good thing, maybe even superhuman, that you can willingly steer, and that’s not the case.