Jokes on you, I’m boycotting the game since Epic bought it and forced me to create an epic account to play it. After I purchased it on Steam, mind you. Absolute douche move and they can go fuck themselves. It should be illegal to alter a game post-launch so that you can’t play it under the same circumstances when you bought it.
Yep. I haven’t played since then, partly for the reason you said and partly cause they took away Linux support at the same time, even if you already owned the game on Steam where Linux was fully supported.
The straw for me was when they made Snow Day competitive only. Stupid fucking decision and ruined the game for those of us who just got on to do some casual snow day.
If I recall correctly they were offering refunds for a time on Steam, regardless of date purchased/hours played when the buyout was first announced. I’m not sure if it’s still available, but couldn’t hurt to ask.
Also OP would have accepted tos which no doubt set out you don’t own the game only a licence to access the game, once it moved off their platform they offered a refund… Shit yes but it’s what everyone signed up for when they kept paying steam
ToS has been proven time and time again to mean nothing legally
Same: I loved this game but Epic can fuck right off.
Exactly what I did. Went to Epic and I retired. F em!
Such an odd and overtly terrible decision to make. This helps literally no one, fixes literally no problems and boosts the community pitchfork economy.
The hell are they thinking?
I mean, it’s Epic. I doubt they were thinking
Yep, all they do is fling around their fortnite money
They are thinking about revenue. A large layoff and now focus on protecting revenue.
For sure. I just don’t see how this helps. I don’t think a bunch of pissed off people are going to run to the shop to purchase the items they want them too.
Maybe in a month they will, but people are rightfully piiissssssed right now.
Gamers rarely stick to things. A boycott might last a whole week.
If they can remember that long.
80% of the items are traded for less credits than it costs to build the blueprints so they probably hope that by taking the trading option away that people will spend more money on those 2000CR blueprints
My crackhead hopeful idea is that this is the last season of Rocket League and this is just prepping us towards RL2. I always found it weird that Epic continued to allow trading since they were clearly losing money with every player trade. Like, I was happy but shocked Epic was willingly losing all that money to keep the community aspect.
But Rocket League is on Unreal Engine 3 and there really wasn’t much they could do to add things. I mean they added some limited time game modes but even psyonix said years ago they’re stuck on UE3. I think RL on Unreal Engine 5 is close to being done, which will allow a lot more features to offset the lack of trading. But I’m probably just grasping at straws here
This decisions sucks. I’ve used up all my car slots designing all diffrent types of cars and without trading it wouldn’t have been possible.
what new features would ue5 allow? wouldn’t it just be prettier graphics for a game like rl?
Why would anybody need trading in rocket league? It’s just diffrent looking items
Interesting point, that this may signal incoming Rocket League 2
Ah yes, we all love FOMO
Cool, I’ll just continue not buying stuff from Epic then.