A bit of a hyperbole, but for the sake of this discussion, let’s say there is a house and no one can afford it but me. If I don’t buy it and rent it, no one can live in it. What would be the right thing to do?
A bit of a hyperbole, but for the sake of this discussion, let’s say there is a house and no one can afford it but me. If I don’t buy it and rent it, no one can live in it. What would be the right thing to do?
His son is hardly a child at 54 years old.
I’m sure parents always will see their children as children, no matter their age.
Except when you want to learn it but there isn’t enough time to. Then it is nice and frustrating at the same time.
Got a Keychron K8 Pro wireless for work very recently. I was considering the MX Keys S and went to the store try out both of them. I just want to second Keychron as being a viable option instead of Logitech (but nothing will make me switch from MX Anywhere 3S).
I don’t follow. How would no IP give more money to the workers? How would no IP change how the company was run?
I’m not arguing IP here, I just seems to me that you are mixing two different things. You can have a employee owned company and still have IP.
Or am I missing something obvious?
I once had a bug in a C# program I wrote. It made a HTTP request and if the user agent was left to default (whatever that was), the server just gave back an empty string as a reply. I took way to long until I understood what was going on and I kept chasing async, thinking I had messed it up some how.
I am waiting for an AI model and corresponding tools to generate my own anime and manga. No more stupid open endings, no more infinite story they stop producing because who knows, no more “I was in the same room as a girl, OH NO! Someone might have seen me, I’m so embarrassed!”.
I almost wish I could take existing anime, put it in a machine and make it better. That should actually become a thing, use AI to make your favorite TV shower more to your liking. Someone needs to create this. Bad ending? Fix that. Bad dialog? Fix that. Change gender on all characters? Fix that as well. Foul langage? Easy.
Today I learned
Ah, okey! I saw the guide and thought it looked interesting at first. But then my wallet saw two GPUs and promptly said no.
I can relate. Last time that happened, I gave up or trying to find out how that works and just used another computer that was already connected to the TV.
BookLibConnect and AaxAudioConverter. I use them do download my Audible purchases. They are both written using WPF (or some other Windows API only GUI lib) and thus cannot be run on Linux. I might rewrite them using the newest C# cross platform library, but that library does not compile native on Linux, only on Windows… (Unless you use the community maintained version).
I did try to find replacement for both for them but their ease of use and the conversion tool for axx to m4b made it preferable to just install Windows in a VM.
As for WinSCP, it is a SFTP/FPT client that is really nice and I did miss it initially as well. But Nautilus file manager has both SFTP and FTP support built into it. And if you want a dedicated client, I can recommend Terminus (but I am not a heavy user, rclone in terminal does most of my heavy lifting).
Having those features would really have made it easier. I have only ever written my python code in Sublime Text. While it is a sublime text editor, at is not ideal (compared to how it is to write Java in IntelliJ) for Python. (Maybe with addons but I never delved into that more than a few.)
There is also the option to use two GPUs (or one and not use it for Linux). https://github.com/mr2527/pop_OS-win10-KVM-setup
I have two pieces of software I cannot live without, to the point that I would rewrite them for Linux if it came to that. Running Windows as a VM using Virtual Box has been a nice experience so far. (Given that both software are not CPU nor GPU heavy and could run on a tree if need be.)
It’s because there is no clear indication of where a block ends.
Here is some sample code. I find it difficult to tell how many indentations I have or where I need to write if I want to continue at a certain level.
import time
import aiohttp
Retreives the data from RSS URL and return the status codes as well as the data. Return -1 if something went wrong.
async def get_rss_feed(rss_url):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
retry_count = 0
while retry_count < 5:
async with session.get(rss_url) as resp:
if resp.status == 200:
return {'status': resp.status, 'data': await resp.text()}
retry_count += 1
if retry_count == 5:
raise ValueError('To many failed connection attempts', retry_count)
except aiohttp.InvalidURL as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: {rss_url} is not a valid URL.", 'error': error}
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: Could not connect to {rss_url}.", 'error': error}
except ValueError as error:
return {'status': -1, 'data': f"Error: Could not connect to {rss_url} after {retry_count} attempts.", 'error': error}
Too much nested code was likely part of the problem, but not being able to easily tell where a block of coded ended without seeing the top of the block made it difficult to work with.
I once wrote a bot in python tdownloaded a ical file, looked for chances and informed me if found. The space indentation made it hell to follow the code in my opinion.
Don’t have SD but I use xpad neo on popos on laptop, solved the problem for me. Might be worth checking out.