Better yet, tell them you’re dying, and if you need to, fake your death, move to Argentina, make that dive bar you always dreamt about.
I have peepee doodoo caca brains.
Better yet, tell them you’re dying, and if you need to, fake your death, move to Argentina, make that dive bar you always dreamt about.
Oh heck yeah. The first Godot driven VST effect? Yeah buddy… or clap. Do it in clap!
Some subversion of 3, which is fundamental to a lot of software found out in the wild.
It’s taking away right of ownership. A direct license of ownership, a copy or copies, defines the parameters of which the user is allowed to operate.
Running locally with access to installer that can be archived allows for more individualistic control. Having access to a Steam library is one thing, but having a local Steam backup is also possible.
However, if a game relies on online functionality it could be frustratingly because it was a “live service”, “online only” or subscription based. In either of these cases, you’re being deprived of value, of control. It vests all the power in the distributor over the contents value at any given point and time, with control over scarcity and accessibility.
As such live services and subscriptions should be disparaged, because it only makes you subservient. Laws should be put in place to guarantee access to games executable and for them to be stored and run locally.
I say this because I think people at large are getting swindled right now and it’s so saddening.
One of my favourite legal disclaimers of all time. It reads like Bukowskian legalese.
That’s pretty one sided though. It’s like saying the autocrats don’t burn an insane amount of fuel, thereby also exacerbating the issue. If they were all using solar panels, scaling down their fossil fuel industries and actually gave a damn about the environment, then we’d be in agreement.
Oh there will be climate refugees, no doubt about it. But whitewashing the autocrats use of petroleum and using it to justify breaking a system meant to moderate something makes me think you’re the left wing equivalent of republicans.
You do not game systems, you reform them, or even replace them… so pass laws that put embargos and sanctions on imported petroleum instead.
Good luck with that.
We should make a system dependant upon culpability. If France helps in the downfall of some country, causing a migrant crisis in the process, then their quota for asylum seekers should go up to accommodate their stupid geopolitical tomfoolery.
It’s a geo-political “put your money where you mouth is” kind of system.
If you subscribe to play video games, you’re an idiot. Musicians want to exit streaming now, while game publishers sees prime real estate for exploitation.
What? There are plenty of communist Lemmy subs you can ask in. I just think you haven’t tried hard enough.
To answer your question tho, no - because there would be no need. Communism does want mandatory participation, but if checked and balanced correctly everyone would work within their limits and not be relegated to a lower class of living - because that’s sort of the point of communism. You’d work within your means until there was time to retire without being limited in access to services and goods. Theoretically, under a functioning communist system, there would be no manufactured scarcity.
Tbh I believe both communism and our current form of capitalism centralises power and ownership way too much. Social-capitalism, or even libertarian socialism, might be the ticket. It would undo at least 200 years of psy-ops and gamed laws designed to favour the rich and vesting power in them, which is the issue of centralised power that we’re facing today - in what some call “late-stage capitalism” - or what I call the breaking point of society under a predatory, exploitative and imperialistic form of capitalism that seems more like the privatisation of the aristocracy than the supposed liberalisation of economy. Transparency, accountability and consequences for people in power and wealth is what’s sorely needed.
PS: New public management is a con-job disguised as decentralisation meant to encumber governments under the guise of checking and balancing them, being effectively a psy-op in of itself to make people hate public services and taxes. As per usual, goddamn liberals - and I include socially conservative liberals in that polifical grouping. Dems and pubs are the same, want the same institutions and promote US imperialism - not fiscal independence, no matter what justification and mental gymnastics they put in the form of spreadsheets.
PPS: Also, additionally, commodification of the housing market was a mistake. It will always be stupid and harmful towards society.
In my day, son, a WYSIWYG spat out HTML and CSS. It was up to you to integrate it.
Did you read the new features? CSS and HTML component testing, complete with web scalability (I.e media-query). Sounds very WYSIWYG to me.
But yeah, I know it’s an open source Figma, because Figma can ligma balls.
Is… is this the comeback of WYSIWYGs?
I’m assuming this may be a Flatpak issue. Have you turned on fractional scaling?
I think Fedora Media Writer kind of hits those boxes, and the Fedora installation (with the Blivet partitioner) is fairly easy.
My problem, however, and Brodie on YouTube can attest to this, is the language. Open source projects have a problem with communication, messaging and signalling.
It should be the priority of design and the UX to properly communicate actions, events, consequences, etc. It’s also about accessibility, as bad messaging can be confusing and off-putting.
haha I break ps portal haha here take the vulnerability don’t sue me
Think of those poor data brokers… I mean “poor” in the figurative sense…
If you or your loved ones suffer from NFTs, order your inside garden tray so that they can have therapy at home by increasing the likelihood that they tou h grass.
Yahoo! Answers might be dead, but it’s spirit still lives on…
“How do game?”
“Smash X repeatedly untill end credits.”
Maybe they lifted him up when they were choking him?
Do not, I repeat, do not infodump on someone today.
Hi, my brain is wired so that it obsesses over details, combs through data and sifts through documentation, over decades even, only some poor soul to give me attention, which promptly opens up the spigot.
Please be advised, you will know why VST2 instrument plugins can take audio input, but only because Native Instruments sort of “hacked it in” during the 2000s, even though it wasn’t apart of the VST2 specification, which Steinberg obviously isn’t a fan of, because even to this day Cubase won’t recognise audio inputs from VST2 instruments in Cubase, but you can with VST 3 instrument plugins, and even though VST4 was at some point announced, it was presumably scrapped because plans for VST5 was leaked time after, but never actually came into fruition. Really though, vendors should be distributing CLAP plugins and contributing back to CLAP, because we could really use an open standard beyond Steinberg’s proprietary SDK, but then people like Native Instruments, Arturia, etc would have to “port their plugins” over to CLAP, which shouldn’t be too hard since it’s sort of API compatible - though not really - but since they won’t see instant returns they probably won’t dedicate the billable hours… so anyways, I program Maxforlive devices nowadays - oh, wait. Butterfly…