I don’t think this will happen: Their department of defense has adopted Signal for internal communication, and there is no way in hell they would want a backdoor built in. In fact, the article says they have already opposed the suggestion.
I don’t think this will happen: Their department of defense has adopted Signal for internal communication, and there is no way in hell they would want a backdoor built in. In fact, the article says they have already opposed the suggestion.
Speaking of which, here is a helpful manual.
Example code == documentation
Same! My GF convinced me to contact my doctor about it, so we’ll see where it goes from here! Hopefully I don’t find a way to drop the ball on this before the process is done 😑
One of my favorite podcasts! All episodes are worth a listen. Interestingly, this episode is split into two parts on Apple Podcasts. Maybe they have an upper limit on length?
Different color(purple) for me! Here’s what I see, with the fancy new tagging system in action 😎
I would argue that being bad at something is always a step towards getting better at it! Where else would you start?
Not in the repo itself. But if you create a Project, and add the issues/PRs from the repo to that project, you can generate a burndown chart.
With the increasing abundance of electric vehicles people are getting used to (k)Wh as the unit for battery size. It would make sense to use the same unit for smaller electronics as well, IMO.
For a second I thought you said that the sheep are predators of the solar panels
Aww man, Red Faction was an awesome game! Didn’t the rail gun also have an infrared scope that could see through walls?