Yup. In multiplayer, I used to blow a crater in the floor with explosives and then sit in the hole with the rail gun, shooting people through the floor.
Yesssss. I also loved the pistol in that game. It was one of the first games i came across where the pistol was just as deadly (in the right hands) as most anything else you could get.
Side note, why the fuck don’t we have games with destructible environments anymore? I know BF4 has it, but the only other FPS I can think of that did it as well as red faction was ‘Black’ in 2006.
I used to play RF2 multiplayer on GameCube with my brother when we were kids. We’d go onto that space map and try to snipe each other from across the map with the railgun.
railgun, red faction
Aww man, Red Faction was an awesome game! Didn’t the rail gun also have an infrared scope that could see through walls?
Yup. In multiplayer, I used to blow a crater in the floor with explosives and then sit in the hole with the rail gun, shooting people through the floor.
The pepper way to play!
Yesssss. I also loved the pistol in that game. It was one of the first games i came across where the pistol was just as deadly (in the right hands) as most anything else you could get.
Side note, why the fuck don’t we have games with destructible environments anymore? I know BF4 has it, but the only other FPS I can think of that did it as well as red faction was ‘Black’ in 2006.
I used to play RF2 multiplayer on GameCube with my brother when we were kids. We’d go onto that space map and try to snipe each other from across the map with the railgun.
The early RF games are really underrated.