Well, the USD is worth 15% less today than it was when the consoles launched. As such, keeping the price the same is the same as discounting it with a stable currency. The price today is the same as $425 at launch, so prices have come down we just don’t see it reflected in the dollar price.
That’s a fair point, maybe I should look into using newpipe and use what was my monthly payment as a direct donation to my favorite creators instead. Thanks for the informative reply!
Most Americans have no clue what the rest of the world is like.
Most Americans don’t even understand the progressive income tax system we have, they will go so far as to decline raises because it’ll put them in a higher bracket and they think that will mean less take home pay. It doesn’t! You should always take a raise!
I believe I’ll someday move to a country that has good policies for everything from healthcare, to work life balance, and social safety nets, and I’ll never have to deal with the American nightmare again.
Why not put Tuvix in the pattern buffer, copy his pattern to storage, separate one copy of the pattern into Tuvok and Neelix, then transfer the Tuvix pattern back before rematerializing him thus saving all 3?