crimes. why the fuck are they maiming non-violent protesters. those people have a right to protest being blockaded like rats in a concentration camp. the
crimes. why the fuck are they maiming non-violent protesters. those people have a right to protest being blockaded like rats in a concentration camp. the
just wait until instead of the day it’s your life, and instead of apps all your friends and family are dead
the bar for adorable doesn’t exist with this one
How would the confusing meme work if we can’t assume that the protag is somehow idiotically/unrealistically confusing their own gift with the dogs?
amazed at the number of upvotes considering this software’s aim is to specifically combat de-platforming of creators, a practice that is by and large supported by the fake progressive community making up the majority on lemmy.
Be homeless for a couple of months then tell us how you don’t like setting the alarm.
The boomer generation brought you the modern internet and smartphones. These memes will sure show them.
discogs is the shit. fuck spotify, and their corporate plants in every other “personalized” playlist they generate. at least you have something to show for your money 25 years later and a company can’t decide to arbitrarily stop offering the music etc.
Lemmy is full of authoritarian xenophobes (read: white kids from wealthy backgrounds) who support the brutalization of the Palestinian people and open air prison they’re forced into. That’s why you never heard a peep from them about the murders of innocent Palestinians that have been nonstop since the establishment of the Apartheid state of Israel. You won’t find much support here among these right wing war mongers.
Who paid for this study?
Played it the first week of release with a 1080ti which was fine
problem solved
They should have made an arena shooter instead
Privacy for a minor does not involve locking their parents out of their room in their own home, full stop. What you’re advocating for is that a minor should be allowed to do whatever they want in the name of privacy, and that’s just horse shit. Full stop.
When you move out of your parents house you can have a lock on your bedroom door only you can get into. When you live in your parents house, you don’t get to turn it into a sublet and put your own lock on the door, unless your parents sublet the room to you. You can think it’s disgusting. It’s probably just your teenage hormones.
Looked boring af, now getting confirmation it’s boring af
Tell me you’re a white, racist bigot without telling me you’re a white, racist bigot. Edit: Oh yes downvote me that will change the fact that you’re a white, racist bigot.