Exactly! Which is why I like LD, but not PIC S3.
Exactly! Which is why I like LD, but not PIC S3.
Oh I in no way meant it as an insult. I love that about LD. I did not love that about PIC.
To be fair, I haven’t watched the latest season of LD, but up to that point, it really was “get this reference? See? Giant Spock’s skeleton! Remember this energy being that escaped the Enterprise-D?” However, I went into LD knowing that that was what I was going to be getting, and while I won’t say it’s my favorite nu-Trek series, I do really enjoy it.
Season 3 is literally just fan service. They reused the V’Ger sound/theme for the enemy. They brought back a character from another show in the franchise. They brought back a character who appeared in two whole episodes of TNG. Large parts of the sound design were lifted from the TNG-era series. Seriously, almost as much fan service as Lower Decks.
Maybe Firefox Relay is an idea? Generate a random mask that you give to reddit and it forwards to your actual email address. Then you can block any further emails.
I swear, the moment I started subscribing to The Deprogram, and its hosts and some of the guests, YT started throwing Bencil Sharpener, Joe Brogan, and Lex into my feeds. I didn’t dog into him too terribly much, but I just assumed I was seeing his videos pop up for the same reason I saw the other two.
Do you think a video essay is just someone reading off of a piece of paper in front of a camera?
Specifically the story of Sean Aloysius O’Brien. Kid-me’s entire worldview changed that day.
That’s a little bit of a yikes there, buddy.
Edit: and additional “yikes” for all of the people that don’t see the problem with assigning a value to women based on how fertile they may or may not be.
Edit 2: tHe QuAnTiTy Of EgGs! Because women only exist to get pregnant.