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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Eh, more like Trekkies are techies. I would consider myself somewhat of a techie, definitely nerdy, and very much into sci-fi, but I really don’t give a shit about Star Trek. I’ve seen a lot of it, just because I’ve had a couple girlfriends that really enjoyed it, but otherwise I probably wouldn’t have watched any after my childhood.
    Now, if HBO were to do a hard R version, I’d probably get into it.

  • Dude, thank you! This thread has some great tips and tricks that would have taken me days of gameplay longer to figure out, if at all! I don’t think I have a whole lot that others haven’t already mentioned, but here’s what I’ve got to contribute, and I’ll be sure to edit this if I come up with more.

    I think this one might be a bug, but today I discovered a way around humping back out to Red Mile for more contraband scan jammers. (I don’t know if it’s important or not, but I was using the outpost landing pad w/ shipbuilder when I did this.) I found that if you clone the part of the ship that the jammer is attached to, it also clones the jammer. Then you can just separate the jammer to put elsewhere and delete the cloned piece. I wasn’t watching the math, but I think it still charges you the credits for the jammer, but does refund the price of the cloned piece when you delete it.

    Shielded cargo is available for purchase from this shipbuilder as well, though you might need to have already bought at least one from a vendor to be able to access this. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    I’ve also noticed that some of the ammo laying around at various shops and other locations is free for the taking where it would otherwise be theft.

    If anyone has some tips and tricks specifically for outpost building, resource harvesting/management/transfer I would love to hear those! I feel like I am wasting 2/3rds of my time (and resources, and credits) on trial and error while I figure it all out.
    Like: Is there a way to shift your outpost location after you spend a bunch of resources, time, and credits building your first big base, only to realize a big chunk of the radius is unusable because it overlaps with a location boundary?
    Or, why is it so difficult to get warehouses to reliably link between each other, the transfer container, and a cargo link? Can someone ELI5 that whole business for me?
    Or what modules (outpost or ship) just aren’t actually worth the cost until you unlock certain skills?