• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I agree with the OP’s response. It was well written and gave you several options. In particular, the point about cultural expectations sounds like the most pertinent. I don’t know what your working relationship is with your director, but the fact that they first apologized and second, when they understood your motives, lauded you.

    It does suck having your good faith questions misinterpreted. However, it’s unclear what your director did or said that made you feel you were kissing his ring. Did he scold you? Or just explain how he felt about your question?

    Others have given resources about coops and flat heirarchies, but this sounds like you want a very specific corporate culture. Even in the right fit, you are influencing people and will have to work with their personalities. Politics will always be part of the game as long as there are limited resources and risks in allocating those resources.

  • Been playing around with a book idea. It’s in the style of the Ouipo inspired book, A Void. The book, written in French, is done so without using the letter “e”. Perec is a mad man and an amazing writer. And I don’t think anything I will write will be anywhere near that quality.

    I want to write something similar that is a world without ‘ai’ (written by AI*). It’s been fun structuring chapters, characters, themes, settings, etc. I’m not a writer by training, but I do like word play and so this has been fun.

    I have no hope or dreams of publishing, but I might show a few friends who get it. And hope that it tickles them the way it tickles me.

    * I really don’t like the output so far. And I have my doubts about it becoming good. But I got something that wasn’t outright bad the other night. So who knows?

  • Most people bore me.

    I don’t want to say that there aren’t boring people, but c’mon… You’re no troubador yourself. People don’t exist to keep you from being bored.

    Living for the sake of not dying is not a living itself. People find meaning in lots of things: art, religion, bullshitting, pushing the bounds of knowledge, making loved ones laugh.

    The meaning we make is our own and we share that living journey with a few others. It can be amazing and difficult and complicated. It’s rare to have someone truly get you, but we put ourselves out there because get got is so good.