I’ve always used paste- never heard of these. I’ll totally check them out! I assume they are fine for any CPU/GPU applications as long as they fit? I always lose my paste tubes so having a sheet of these might be easier to keep track of
I’ve always used paste- never heard of these. I’ll totally check them out! I assume they are fine for any CPU/GPU applications as long as they fit? I always lose my paste tubes so having a sheet of these might be easier to keep track of
It’s a LLM. You asked it “what can you even do” and one of the most hot topics with AI is privacy concerns. With Copilot being neutered by MSFT to produce curated responses asking it what it can do, and it branching to privacy concerns first, seems totally reasonable
Reading the articles you attached OP, this is exactly the technology they are still struggling with. I dont think any open source consumer level models will have quite what you’re looking for… yet!
I think you’ll struggle with the coherent part
Most LLMs can do a few paragraphs and stay on topic but after thet they need better guidance, usually by changing the prompt to stay relevant. 10k+ words can be hard for normal authors to stay coherent on a single prompt, let alone a GPT-3 model
Wasnt it obviously Maquis related? I imagine smuggling people(Bajorans) out of Cardassia territories or smuggling weapons to Maquis supporters
Start by learning disassembling first!
Then learning replacement/upgrading of components next like your speaker idea. Then shift into assembly and constructing
Way easier to understand components and where they line up and their effects by taking apart and reverse engineering before trying to assemble or create/engineer anything yourself
<3 John Dunsworth!!
Check out ‘Rimworld’
I’ve sunk many hours into the game. It rarely goes on discount but I and many other players have found the price tag pays for the hours of content it provides many times over
P.S I find the newer caves to be much more challenging and certainly more interesting than the old caves. Plus you can just not use the recipe book and play on hard or hardcore mode
“The dog”…
You mean PORTHOS! Give them some respect!
I think its providing real benefits in almost everywhere it’s being applied
There are drawbacks, but even with those AI and more advanced learning models have a generally positive impact in the fields their being introduced in
Punishing reckless players doesnt hurt sometimes
I love how the video game does it. It makes more sense Max is a doomed soul forever wandering the wasteland never able to rest. And how all the time has passed but he still remembers earth before
Classic R33
To be fair I bet it was developed to directly compete against cloaked Romulan craft
YES! Something about Shatners performance just screams captain. The composure. The looks. The inflection. Like every decision truly weighs on his character
But the meme does convey it pretty well. That flex seal is definitely a temporary fix and not nearly as effective as a true repair
Wow incredible quality! Are you upscaling or is this native LD?