• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • It’s not just the lack of availability but that was a part of it. Microsoft and Sony’s lack of proper response is part of the reason.

    I remained “patient” to some extent as I only just got to build my PC this year. The GPU “shortage” was a part of it too.

    But I felt that Sony and Microsoft could have done more for customers. Sony had a program to get actual PS users a PS5 but that too was still sold out. Scalpers had no issue buying pallets of consoles but actual fans couldn’t. It was insane.

    But besides that, I’ve since realized that, at least for myself, a PC is the better way to go. Consoles are a waste of money for me in the long run as a PC will be used for more than just gaming and the longevity of the parts and upgradeability is incomparable. I likely wouldn’t have felt this way had I just been able to get a PS5/Xbox Series X like I wanted.

    But Microsoft and Sony don’t seem to care about their actual fans and them getting consoles in their homes, which is what soured it for me. Though, yeah, same could be said about Nvidia and AMD as well to an extent too, but there are more manufacturers under them that make the actual cards and you had some like EVGA that had programs that tried to get a GPU in actual customers’ hands and not the greedy scalpers.

  • I’m surprised advertisers don’t have much of a problem with it. Because it just makes me fucking despise whatever website I was tricked into going to.

    It would be like a sandwich shop hiring a guy to wear a sandwich costume and pass out flyers on their corner. Only, instead of just doing that, he forces you into the sandwich shop. Guaranteed I would be pissed and hate that place for life.

  • My boss has a morning meeting where we tell him what we’re working on for the day. And every Monday, this meeting is at 8:00 when my shift starts. I’m thankful my name makes me further down the list because I would be stumbling to get that.

    He’s a cool guy and not overly micromanager or anything, so it’s not a huge thing, but just reminded me seeing this meme.

  • I agree. I have a drink here and there on the weekends sometimes, but the normalization of getting hammered, blackout drunk is unhealthy. I’ve always thought it was “funny”, for lack of a better term, when online dating and seeing people who have a problem with people who do drugs, even marijuana or smoking cigarettes but their own profile is filled of pics of them with booze and their profile is jokes about getting drunk and alcohol being their personality.

    A little examination on this would benefit society.

  • It’s been a few years, but at my old job, there was this woman who came to do a training for us at our job. When all was said and done, I went to thank her personally for coming to do the training for us.

    Can’t remember how, but we found out that she was 92 years old!! Not lying, she looked early 60’s at most! Me and the few people who stuck around were shocked and amazed and asked her questions.

    She told us that she was currently retired but she still loved the field so she would do trainings for a little pay here and there. She told us that she was a nurse in World War II. She didn’t go into too much detail but that was really awesome to meet someone in person who could say that. Not every day you meet someone from that time period or directly experienced the war, especially as an adult, no less.

    I asked her her “secret” to getting to her incredible age. She said she hadn’t had an alcoholic drink since she was 22 years old.

    I’ll never forget that woman. I always think of her when I see alcohol and contemplate my life, to be truthful.

  • You should “distro hop” when you make a decision like this.

    This is similar to having a Chevy truck and getting tired of all the problems it has had over its time with you. So you decide to look into Dodge, Ford, Toyota, etc. Of course no one wants to “hop” from vehicle to vehicle; you want to find the right truck for you now! But that’s unrealistic and your best bet is to go to different dealers, look at the different trucks, and take them for test drives.

    You should be doing the same to figure out what you like, what you need, and what you want in a distro. Since 99% of them are free, install them and boot them up. Go for live installs on a USB first to give each one a try without having to go through the installation to your machine. But do know that some times, you may experience different results on live USB vs install on SSD. I experienced this with Zorin and its Nvidia drivers that allowed dual screens on live USB but didn’t when installed and I never got it set up correctly.

    You’ll get a lot of recommendations here and you should take them into account and the pros that people suggest and see if they fit your specific needs/wants in an OS.

    Despite what I said about my experience with Zorin, it was a pretty nice setup and a good one for someone that wants that Windows feel still but without the added Microsoft bullshit. My display issues seem to be a rarity and even despite that, I enjoyed it and have it currently installed to a Chromebook I have for any little Linux needs I need from time to time on the go.

  • I found out about GOG because I was looking for a really old game and found it in a torrent. The torrent mentioned it came from GOG and I checked it out and ended up buying the game from there.

    The game is Mob Rule and I got it well after its original release but this was still some time ago I happened to pick it up at Big Lots when they used to have obscure PC games. It was a ton of fun but I lost the CD and couldn’t find the game anywhere, not even torrents, for many years until one year I searched for it again and found it.

    Very thankful to GOG for bringing it back and giving me the chance to have it digitally now so I will be less likely to lose it again. Thats what game preservation is about!