As long as the detonators are missing it isn’t much more dangerous than sitting on a fuel tank.
As long as the detonators are missing it isn’t much more dangerous than sitting on a fuel tank.
No, because snow is nice and beautiful. The problem is, we don’t get a white christmas (or have snow for most of the winter) every year, because where I live we mostly either get wet warm winds which lead to rain or we get cold dry winds which just lead to cold days without snow.
An electric car must have been pretty dirty back then. Most power was made by much less efficient coal generators after all.
I am not saying that this is still the case today, quite the opposite.
(Although no car is always better than a car)
Das ist schon wild, dass man pures Koffein ohne große Warnungen einfach online kaufen kann.
Also ich werde mir in nächster Zeit auf jeden Fall kein neues Fahrrad kaufen, solange mir kein Rahmen bricht werde ich mir kein Fahrrad kaufen und dann würde es wahrscheinlich ein gebrauchtes sein.
Die >50% Wertverlust am Anfang können ruhig andere übernehmen.
In Deutschland haben auch schon so viele Leute ein Fahrrad, dass wohl eher der Umstieg auf E-Bikes die Verkäufe treibt, als es bessere Fahrradwege tun, auf jeden Fall kurzfristig.
The difference with all those other tools is that you are always there when it runs. You are not there when the robot lawnmower is running and some cat jumps your fence, which is why it should not harm the cat.
You are kind of correct that the rpm of the robot mower blades are faster, but the blades are much lighter and most mowers even have swiveling blades that are only held straight by the centrifugal force, so they will just swivel away when they hit something.
The blades are not much more than razor blades that are mounted on a plastic disc with one screw each. You wouldn’t want to put your hand into the spinning blade, which is very hard to do anyway, but there is just not enough power to throw rocks with any significant force.
I would be able to put my finger in the way of the blades if they were completely blunt and I would not get hurt very much if at all, doing the same thing on a normal mower would be a very different story.
Yes, I have heard about that too, which is why I only let mine run at daytime.
Lawnmower robots have much smaller blades with less inertia. I don’t doubt a direct hit would hurt, but rocks just won’t get thrown very fast by it. A direct hit would also be pretty hard to achieve because the skirt stops anything big from getting under the robot and the blades stop immediately when it gets lifted up.
Just imagine how many lawsuits the manufacturers would have to deal with if these things were only slightly unsafe.
Best thing is, when you finally do do the thing, everyone is going to be surprised. And you can say that you did tell them that you would do it.
Ask me how I know.
Drogen verbieten, ist kein guter Vergleich, Drogendealer zu verbieten ist der richtige Vergleich.
Ehrlich gesagt hätte ich nichts dagegen, Social Media bei denen es nur um Selbstdarstellung oder Kurzunterhaltung geht, zu verbieten. Denn am Ende sind die alle nur darauf ausgelegt, möchlichst süchtig zu machen.
Dazu würde ich unter anderem TikTok und Instagram zählen, Lemmy aber nicht.
This isnt about the official servers being online forever, this is about being able to host your own server without having to crack the game in weird ways.
That isnt without risks itself and it might not have been practically possible in some cases.
Would you desert if your family gets sent to a concentration camp when the army finds out?
Well, during the war ukraine has no choice but to kill the russian soldiers if they want to win.
But I think that ukraine treats POW fairly well and if the war ends they probably wouldnt force them to work in Gulag conditions.
Just because they were soldiers doesnt mean they were nazis. A lot of them were drafted and at the end of the war even teenagers were sent to the frontline because all the other young men were already fighting or dead.
If a soldier was part of the SS or SA, he was a nazi.
I do know how to read an analog clock, but I dont read it subconciously, because my brain works on digital time, so I will have to look at it and then figure out what that time is if it were on a digital clock.
So if I see an analog clock I would rather look at my phone because that is just quicker than doing the conversion.
If you want to know more, look at the video Technology Connections (2?) did about it.
Solange ich jeden Artikel einzeln in den Waagebereich legen muss und dann ein paar Sekunden warten muss, bevor ich weiter scannen darf, werde ich die normalen Kassen benutzen.
Das ist mir zu nervig und dauert zu lange.
We will never live in an ideal world, we can only approach it.
So, yeah, I wasnt referring to reality.
I think it is because having sex is such an inimate thing and as a sex worker you have to do it even with people you are not intimate with and at times when you dont want to be intimate. The sheer number of sex partners probably also doesnt help.
And then there are the assholes who will straight up step over boundaries and directly create trauma.
I live in Germany where sex work legal btw (and I think it should be kept that way).
Comparing the risks to other work is hard, as the risks vary from person to person and from workplace to workplace in each job.
But I would consider doing sex work if I would have to work in a callcenter otherwise lol
In an ideal world people who just want casual sex would find each other. And people who want love as well. In an ideal world everyone would also have someone they are an ideal match to.
The only way I see people getting paid to have sex in an ideal world is if they get paid because their sex is so good, like top athletes.
Same, mit Lüftungsanlage kämpfe ich im Winter darum, die Luftfeuchtigkeit hoch zu halten. Habe dauerhaft einen Luftbefeuchter laufen, gerade sinds deswegen 42%
Ansonsten wäre es den winter über 35% und das schockt echt nicht.