It’s just twitter and a zoom clone right?
Wasn’t even aware it was still a thing, apart from on mobile (where it somewhat makes sense-ish)
Would make an interesting HR discussion though.
That’s my secret, I always sign off my emails as “Regards”.
Wouldn’t the YouTube algorithm add an unintentionally bias into the training data?
A lot of YouTubers talk about how they’re having to adjust their content and style to maintain viewership numbers. Hence all the click bait thumbnails & captions.
Unless it’s used to find them shelter & permanent accommodation. But that’s never going to happen.
People with the tiniest grip of power are very quick to forget the human factors.
Not the monopolies they hold over the tech industry.
Or the fact they simultaneously hold more wealth than a small country, yet pay miniscule amounts of tax.
Or the detriment to society they influence, both directly and indirectly.
Or the fact they’re intrusive ways to scrape our lives, and selling that data to thousands of “partners”.
No no… Apparently it’s jealousy that’s driving the EU, rather than making them accountable.
Approximately $142.86 per student. If that’s 1 school calendar year, they seem to be accumulating 80-90¢ per day, or $4 per week.
Soon restaurants will become stock exchanges, with people waiting on the price of chicken nuggets to drop.
Still weakening encryption standards.
It would force the inclusion of a “trusted root” into browsers & OSs with the purpose of allowing government entities to spoof certificates. As certificate pinning is becoming mainstream, I would assume it’ll require browser & app vendors to weaken those controls too.
You’d hope ECHR’s prior ruling would block this too. For the exact same rationale.
Cats be cats. They do cat things, including sneaking into places they shouldn’t.
So maybe the answer is to just partially complete it?
You don’t need a warrant to purchase data.
That data would have been collected by a private company, and sold to them. The NSA isn’t the only entity purchasing that metadata.
Not only should the public be concerned on the NSA’s intention for that data, but for the countless private companies holding & using it too.
My dyslexic ass spent too long staring at the words to ensure the joke was indeed the joke I thought it was.
The network… In the cloud… It does mysterious things!
But now all I want to do is turn off the light switch.
I crave the chaos.
Would be interesting in seeing the thermal and fan noise results.
Whilst I have no plans on buying the OLED edition, it did make me question that decision a couple of times watching these reviews come in. The LCD edition, with its quirks, is serving me just fine.
I’m also impressed with how candid Valve is bring with both their system & repairability improvements. Just wish other corporations did the same.
Even if they were blocking posts, it’ll be because FB purposely wrapped them to look like an Ad
I know Valve would never do this…
Surely if the items hold no real-world value, putting it on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time would be the answer. The casinos which depend on Valve can’t really sue the loss of the feature, as it’s always in Valve’s purview to remove it at any point from the game & platform.
If they made it a limited time feature in CSGO in a year, they would still achieve the “stickiness”.