1011000 is binary for 88
1011000 is binary for 88
So I learned a physics lesson on a forklift. I backed up beside a pallet on the ground and looked back there to line myself up. What I didn’t see was the wooden 2x4 hanging off of the pallet directly in the path of the forklift driving in reverse. So I ran over the board and loony tunes style, the board flew up through the cabin smacking me dead on the side of the face.
The users and posts in instance B are invisible to users in instance A. Regardless of if the messages are in instance C
Instance C is unrelated to A and B blocking each other. Why wouldn’t it be able to see posts from either unless it was also blocked?
Turn timers are not for every situation. They use turn timers to turn up the heat on a scenario. Like a bank heist or a time bomb.
I never said it was. It’s also not the developers job to provide you the service on the platform of your choice. It’s the developers job to protect the companies servers and data. It’s the company’s job to provide you the service and it’s your job to decide to use it or not. And it sounds like you don’t like the means of service provision. So don’t use it. Easy enough.
It’s not questionable at all to assume that a user rooting and installing their own OS is a security risk. That’s the entire premise of zero trust. I’m sure Graphene OS is secure and better for user privacy when configured properly. But you can’t trust that an end user will configure it properly. That’s what I am saying and have been saying since the first message. You can’t trust the user to be security minded. Ultimately, the best thing you can do as a developer or a business is support a known quantity of software and hardware configurations and that likely means only supporting OEM installed ROMs.
It’s OK to run a discount for Steam Keys on different stores at different times as long as you plan to give a comparable offer to Steam customers within a reasonable amount of time.
What about that is unreasonable considering you’re using their platform to deliver your software and their multiplayer framework. Steam makes no money on the sale of your keys.
Also, if your issue is that steam is a monopoly, then go make accounts in other places and stop supporting that monopoly you’re mad about…
It’s not for your security. It’s for the company’s security. You’re really dense you know that. This is not about you and it’s not about Google. What I’m saying is, people suck ass. So to protect themselves from people sucking ass, they restrict access to their system to their terms. Completely fair if you ask me.
You can go cry Google bad all you want. I might even agree Google is bad. But this is not a Google thing. It’s an IT security thing. The banks and MFA providers are security first businesses. They will make the decision that protect them first and it makes sense for them to do so. If you owned a bank, there is a high likelihood you would make similar decisions that end users don’t quite understand.
As far as McDonald’s is concerned, who the fuck knows what their developers are doing. That app is trash anyways.
I got a ton of my games through humble bundle, Which distributes steam codes. I’ve also gotten steam keys through Itch.io.
As for your price argument, price matching is only for the lowest price steam has ever sold the software for. So you can sell your games at steam sale prices 100% of the time and have a higher price on steam. So you’re literally just wrong.
You’re implying that Google is causing these apps to not support custom OSs. But it’s literally not true. These apps are just not supporting custom OSs because their businesses don’t want to support non-standard platforms for security purposes. Tons of banks do not support custom OSs. It has nothing to do with Google and everything to do with not trusting the user which is 100% the correct approach for cyber security.
This has very little to do with Google. Custom OS’s in general are being restricted by these apps, not Graphene in particular. All custom OS’s and root access devices are inherently less secure, even if they are privacy focused OS’s.
In IT this is called a zero trust. You don’t trust anything you cannot verify yourself. And a user installed OS is not something anyone can verify other than the installing user. Obviously for your own security you have your own zero trust policy if you are using something like Graphene, but these companies aren’t making it more secure for you as a user, they’re covering their asses in case there are holes in security they cannot account for.
Most banks restrict custom ROM and root access devices for security purposes. Same with MFA apps. I get it. From an IT security perspective, restrictions on software compatibility limit the number of failure points. Even if you find a custom OS that is more secure as an OS, it is installed through opening up your device to security risk and there is no real requirement for you to close up that security risk afterward. My company has made the same choice to restrict supported platforms for our services.
McDonald’s app restricting the OS is probably some security decision they made because it’s more secure even when they probably don’t need it though.
It’s good to point out that amphetamines are not the only treatment for ADHD nor are they always the best treatment. In fact Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a Norepinephrine-Domamine Reuptake Inhibitor, which while still having dopaminergic effects on the brain, are not amphetamines and can’t really even be detected through traditional urinalysis means.
So those of us who do take Methylphenidate and are subject to regular urinalysis to measure amphetamine content as a requirement to obtain a prescription renewal for the drug in the US, are actually being tested for additional non-perscription use of amphetamines unrelated to our ADHD treatment. I feel this should be illegal and that Methylphenidate should really be removed from the list of controlled substances.
But steam isn’t trying to be monopoly. They don’t pay developers to only sell on their platform. Games that are only on steam are only on steam because steam is the only place that developer wants to sell the game.
That lawsuit is ridiculous and misses a ton of huge boons to developers. The fact is , valve only takes that sales cut for games sold on their platform but they never require you to make that sale on their platform. In fact, they are totally cool with you making the sale elsewhere and giving a steam code out which means steam makes nothing on that sale and they still host the software distribution for said sale. You can use their multiplayer infrastructure, their distribution infrastructure, and their communication infrastructure without paying them a dime if you sell your game on your own website. And it’s by design that you can do this.
As for consumer benefits, steam has a system that allows you to give your friends and family members access to your library. They are constantly selling games at steep discount (after getting permission from developers to do so). They allow a huge range of content with very light handed censorship policies. They have a robust multiplayer system and communications platform that integrates seemlessly with the games they sell and distribute. I won’t get into the Linux stuff but all I will say is Proton wouldn’t be where it is without valve and steam.
Steam is single handedly the most pro-consumer and pro-developer platform on the market. When developers put their games on steam, everyone wins. And it’s never a requirement that those games only exist on steam. When steam is the only place a developer sells their game, it’s because steam is legitimately the only place that developer wants to sell it anyway.
Tell that to the Uyghurs China is trying to destroy that the media conveniently forgot about.
I think that’s fine. The whole point of getting TSMC to start manufacturing in the US was to ensure that Taiwan want the only place making the chips the world is using considering China has been actively threatening to take Taiwan back for decades. If TSMC can be sustainable in the US and other countries, even if Taiwan falls off the map, the technology is not China’s alone. If I were TSMC, I would be trying to build plants in Australia and in Europe and South America to diversify and secure preservation should worse come to worst.
My grandfather died right around the release of psychonauts 2. I played that game nearly non-stop while I did a 100% completion. It got me through the start of that grieving period. I remember being mad it wasn’t longer because nothing else released at the time was nearly that good when it came to writing and gameplay. Amazing game to be honest. Definitely in my top 10 all time. But I might be biased because of it being exactly what I needed when I needed it.