I love Joe. And even though its last update was a while ago, it’s still my preferred editor.
I love Joe. And even though its last update was a while ago, it’s still my preferred editor.
Yeah, a couple of them compensate, Arctic on iOS does too.
There’s a reason I didn’t type it with the markdown for clickable link.
See also tvtropes.org
Run Cera, there’s a Sharptooth right behind you!
According to Google, it’s called Deep Water, I can only presume it’s specifically relating to the Ark story.
If it’s replies to a post of mine I upvote virtually everything. If something is so incorrect is borderline misinformation or so off topic that there’s no connection to the thread, I downvote. If it’s really insightful that I think more people should read it, I upvote.
That was my take too. Their overall point wasn’t bad but the start was a complete non sequitur that made me question if I wanted to finish because it’s a bad foundation for their actual argument. 
Apollo… (Too soon?)
They shouldn’t have had storage issues, they were never going to host images or communities. They simply were an instance that only federated with nsfw instances so all could be only porn.
I hear this guy is super excited