They say that in Japan, they live in the year 2000, but have done so since about 1970.
They say that in Japan, they live in the year 2000, but have done so since about 1970.
BARBARIAN: *slams fists on bar*
BARD: *leans flirtatiously on the bar*
I want to smash the barkeeper 😏
Straight up Sci-Fi Legend of Zelda could be fire tho.
Fun story, when I started playing my Tabaxi Cleric of Sylvanus, we were walking through the woods towards our first dungeon, and on the way we got ambushed by wolves. The talk went:
ME: I’ll position myself between the others and the wolves.
DM: then they’ll attack you first.
ME: pfft, that’s fine, I’ve got an AC of 18.
DM: does a 21 hit?
ME: 😨 (meekly) yes…?
DM: 23 hits as well…
ME: 😰
DM: and 19 as well, right… You take 10 damage.
ME: fuck, I’m down!
Grog and his dynamics with Pike, and/or the mere existence of Jester Lavorre, makes that categorically false. Way more shenanigans & tomfoolery than the earlier comment was asking for.
One of my DMs is my gf. So I think that if I were to cause such a situation, it might play out something like:
ME: I go look for a brothel.
DM/GF: Sure, you do that. Now, what’s everyone else up to?
ME: that’s fine, we can play it out later 😏
If you want the most extensive, expansive, awesome emergent story base building game out there, there’s of course Dwarf Fortress. You can download it right off the devs, where it’s free but takes a PhD to begin to make sense of the UI. Or you can buy it on Steam, where it will cost you a little bit, but thanks to massive UI improvements, it’s actually playable by regular people.
If you want something where you can just unwind & chill, look into the Slime Rancher games.
It ain’t called Cracktorio for nuthin’!
Improvise, adapt, overcum.
Homestuck? In 2024?
This. Comparing them to my national parties (NL), my rough estimate is that the Dems are more right wing than D66, and they’re pretty much centre-right.
Come back to me when your left is on par with GL-PvdA
Orange? Wait until Dutch football fans hear that. Would make NL during a Euro Cup or World Cup an absolutely ✨ fabulous ✨place xD
Use chapstick
How I get around that: Wait until my girl uses hers, then kiss her.
It’s a bit of a running meme between us.
That’s one way to describe the guy, indeed.
Sometimes the Foul Bachelor Frog was (is?) used for gender-agnostic scenarios. Foul Bachelorette Frog is for specifically female things.
It’s a tough Bill to swallow.
Because Bill fights back.
Confusing… My instance is .world, and I similarly subscribe to communities regardless of instance. So seeing a .ml link had me go 🚨 tankie instance for a second, conveniently failing to notice that A: that post is in .world, but seem from .ml; and B: this post is in .ml.
My bad 😅
Though I would suggest OP to see if they can fix the link to one that changes the specific link based on the visitor’s instance
I once saw a video report on bullshit jobs, where they also interviewed a researcher into how much value is gained or destroyed by various professions.
They said that for every £1 (the researchers worked in the UK) given to marketing executives, that society suffered £11 in lost value.
ETA: The video in question (Dutch, with a few local English bits)
I also heard a claim that such patterns can (marginally) discourage graffiti of the seats. And if branding is a thing you care about, they can reflect some parts of that. London S-Stock trains’ seats point to the lines where they run, and there have been Danish trains that straight up feature the old DSB logo in the seat pattern.