You could have at least used a different color for the labels. Or chair and person, then you wouldn’t need the labels.
You could have at least used a different color for the labels. Or chair and person, then you wouldn’t need the labels.
To complain about bullfinches?
Video linked in the article:
I hope we get a 1950s one too
OP trägt Nudel auf Kopf. Damit macht man ein Lasso einfacher.
It’s especially good for the Czech Republic, the rest is just an OSM reskin (still good though). If you stop updating at 9.55.2 (9550200), you will still get the premium feature (multi-country offline maps) for free and without downsides, AFAIK. However, they have stopped server support for old versions before and it’s pretty much impossible to unofficially import the map data without root.
Towel roll.
I didn’t say voting is pointless. You should go vote too. But if I go vote in the US I’ll be arrested.
Yes, which is why voting is not enough: you have to campaign for the candidates you want to see. The ranked-choice system would fix this but that’s off-limits for now.
The time to vote for someone good is the primaries, which set what the dichotomy of the actual election is going to be like. In the November dichotomy, voting for the lesser evil is kinda the only option unless you want Big Evil to win.
Yes, it would be better to “merge” the main election and primaries into a ranked-choice vote but that’s not happening anytime soon.
Svěrák dokonce chtěl natočit Tři bratry současně německy, aby dabing nevypadal tak okatě. Pilotní záběry, kde Piškula zpívá Ich würde teuflich gern heiraten, ale němečtí distributoři odmítli: jako první zpívaná pohádka by to prý bylo moc velké riziko.
I heard they had to make it freeware to put into web standards. So they didn’t and still made it annoyingly ubiquitous? Bastards.
Comic Sans is freeware. Also, they can use CSS to force Comic Sans if installed.
I don’t want to desolder all the relays off this washing machine board to throw it away only to find out I needed a double optocoupler!
Don’t get me started on the broken or obsolete thrown away shit I keep around “for parts or that one time I might need it”
Well, last week I finally soldered the cut cables of the otherwise working basic (literally a transformer, bridge rectifier, fuse and voltmeter) 12V lead acid battery charger from 2007 I found earlier this year to charge a tractor battery, so that’s a plus
It’s a pretty chaotic way to say
If you need a toilet, go in and to the left…
HOWEVER, keep the doors closed because cats are not allowed in. They are not able to get out and have [passed] here.
Just kidding with the last part
As opposed to Twitter, right? Right??
Finally one I recognize. Is the 2-portal run all glitchless, in-bounds only, or anything goes?
Yup, it works in the Czech Republic and it’s fully anonymous. How would they know it’s prepaid?
I use phones from e-waste, 2G still works here so there’s plenty of Nokias (even 3310-like ones) I can use.