Rumors are that, aside from being a major engine overhaul, they’re looking to do a soft reset for R6Siege to
attract new usersreset their monetization scheme
Rumors are that, aside from being a major engine overhaul, they’re looking to do a soft reset for R6Siege to
attract new usersreset their monetization scheme
I’m just throwing info out there, my intention isn’t to brag. It’s a silly thing to be proud of…I spent a bunch of money, big whoop.
The frames drop certainly doesn’t matter to me, but it might matter to someone else with a different rig.
Harrison Ford has had more than one aviation incident IIRC.
I could not get the benchmark to complete on my desktop, I tried a half-dozen times, it always locks up ~15 seconds into the “gameplay” section. Tried experimental proton, turning off frame gen, nothing.
7900xtx so I’m not wanting for hardware. While it behaved I was getting ~200 frames with framegen and ~100 without.
EDIT: Proton Hotfix seemed to work. Noticed the frames were a bit worse but for sure beats a hard lock
There’s not just no money in it, they see incentive in killing their old products thoroughly in order to better sell their new ones.
What sort of work you do in those boots, out of curiosity? I wouldn’t have made that bet when I was a machine operator, those shits were soaked in coolant with stainless steel chips embedded everywhere.
There are fan projects like 2009scape that you can play for free.
The only thing Bethesda is motivated to do, frothing, absolutely chomping at the bit, is figure out a way to successfully monetize modded content.
Are they buying it for the business opportunity or the massive amounts of geolocation data to assist in kidnapping and murdering women and dissidents around the world?