In a real astroid field, the rocks are easily a million kilometers apart. It’s all mostly empty space. If they’d be closer they’d clump together and form a planet
I’m no astrophysicist, but isn’t it possible that’s exactly what that asteroid field was in the process of doing? After all, there were several “big ones” for the Falcon to land on. Especially if there are some big collisions happening to keep all the rocks from aggregating smoothly, couldn’t there be a grace period between “cloud of space dust” and “planet” where there could be a dense field of sizeable rocks? However unlikely, surely there’s some scenario where it’s at least possible
wanna bet it was a test site for the death star? some rando planet nobody gave a damn about blown up to to calibrate the deathstars superlaser?
So… Jedha or Alderaan? The first Death Star was destroyed shortly after its
twothree tests, and the second Death Star wasn’t built yet.Edit: Jedha, Scarif, and Alderaan.
Or scarif. Or who knows how many other random rocks.
You’d need more than 2-3 tests.
Ah yes, forgot about Scarif.
That wasn’t full power, I think it was implied the planet was gonna survive just … biiiiiiiiiiiiig bada boom where the installation was.
Yeah, same with Jedha.
Don’t worry princess, you’ll feel right at home.
Too soon.
That kid looks like a 60 year old Kentucky politician stuck inside the body of an eight year old.
Well he does have dwarfism, but I think he was in his late teens when he started garnering fame at least.
He isn’t a kid either.
I wouldn’t trust Han Solo doing this, but I’d totally trust Harrison Ford doing this.
Harrison Ford has had more than one aviation incident IIRC.
Yeah but that guy had no ticket!
Just once I’d like to see a movie mock this “asteroid field” trope. Instead of arriving in this area with huge boulders everywhere that you had to juke and swerve around, have them arrive in the asteroid field and see… nothing. Maybe one rock way off in the distance. Maybe have the ship get hit by a grain of sand.
Captain: I told you to take us to the Main Asteroid Belt!
Navigator: I did, that’s where we are!
Captain: But, I thought…
Navigator: How long have you been a spaceship captain? Did you think it was some kind of quarry? Asteroid belts are mostly empty space!
Survivorship bias.
The kid’s going places. He also was on the Enterprise, fighting the borg, at the other end of the galaxy.