What is this photo storage thing? All I can find is proton drive.
What is this photo storage thing? All I can find is proton drive.
If you and your partner both have iphones then iCloud should be sufficient for keeping the photos to yourselves if you turn on Advanced Data Protection. I think it requires you and your partner to have two yubikeys at a minimum though.
Photos encrypted at rest, only you and your partner will have access to the keys. If you want the convenience of icloud backup then the government would be able to subpoena your decryption keys from your phone backups, but it’s not going to be available for casual employee access. Automated tagging/face matching is done by your iPhone when it’s plugged in so there’s some organization. Nothing close to Google’s AI organization.
I know Apple is a shit company. But they’ve learned a thing or two after the Fappening.
Advanced Data Protection should be the minimum setting for you to consider Apple as your photo storage. Your photos will auto upload from your phones, apple has partner sharing so photo libraries will automatically be shared between you and your partner, and they recently implemented a system similar to “signal key verification”, but again limited to ADP turned on.
Otherwise you’re looking at Proton or Tresorit.
Google has e-mails an documents other family members are interested in.
Nobody wants you niche steam games, or to be associated with your terrible K/D ratio
Optimist me: Steam looking into curating the next generation of customers.
Pessimist me: child protection laws made it too much of a headache for Steam to monetize the kids.
No. Because it’s a contract between you and Steam. These digital contracts haven’t been around for long enough for society to figure out inheritance standards yet, so the companies have all the power to just force your family to repurchase.
Nothing is stopping you from just handing your login credentials to your family. If they can’t figure it out then they were not worthy of your library.
I stop that lenience when they casually slip into conversation that trans people should be murdered on sight.
In what world bob? Even in your fantasy world where they are mentally ill, they should still be murdered on sight?
My co-worker with a pickle rick tattoo would be so mad if he could read this
You’re on the same “Risk Board game” like the rest of us. If you’re not in the American sphere of influence then NSA is just taking all your metadata the harder way.
Probably racist as well.
Source: anonymous with an irrational hatred of the French, despite several generations removed from the French colonies.
There will never be a dumbest reason to kill somebody. Humankind will always be inventing the next dumbest reason.
Cause somebody is selling the Chinese king false dreams of invading America. And maybe having documents on every American citizen would be helpful post invasion.
Source: anonymous internet poster
Please log my IP address. This is a house that loves Managed Democracytm
Scholars usually portray institutions as stable, inviting a status quo bias in their theories. Change, when it is theorized, is frequently attributed to exogenous factors. This paper, by contrast, proposes that institutional change can occur endogenously through population loss, as institutional losers become demotivated and leave, whereas institutional winners remain. This paper provides a detailed demonstration of how this form of endogenous change occurred on the English Wikipedia. A qualitative content analysis shows that Wikipedia transformed from a dubious source of information in its early years to an increasingly reliable one over time. Process tracing shows that early outcomes of disputes over rule interpretations in different corners of the encyclopedia demobilized certain types of editors (while mobilizing others) and strengthened certain understandings of Wikipedia’s ambiguous rules (while weakening others). Over time, Wikipedians who supported fringe content departed or were ousted. Thus, population loss led to highly consequential institutional change. I am also in agreement that I don’t know how a federated wikipedia solves what made Wikipedia so great. Per the paper above, fringe editors saying “the flatness of the world is a debated topic” gradually got frustrated about having to “present evidence” and having their work reverted all the time, and so voluntarily left over time. And so an issue page goes from being “both sides” to “one side is a fringe idea”.
From reading the Ibis page, this seems a lot closer to fandom than the wikipedia. Different encyclopedias where the same page name can be completely different.
Skepchick also had a great video about the topic:
Guessing fixing child porn propagation isn’t the highest priority?
Make it easier for server admins to connect/link to the child porn hash databases, scripts for autobans + deletion of any content, flagging + notify to other servers etc.
Fucking finally I have context for all the royal family references. Thank you!
Will picture in picture support on IOS eventually be added?
Probably the cut and paste from magazines, but you copy and paste the sentences you want to use. A lot of extra work, but no AI to rat you out.
Feels like the earlier days of interesting reddit.
I have no doubts bots/hostile actors will find some way to fuck things up. Hopefully the devs can finish up tools to keep those problem actors at bay.
Umm, have a classy username for your official e-mail, and use the teenage one for everything else.
From what I understand, they’re able to practically make custom audio files for every download. Sharing the time stamps wouldn’t work that well. Re-distributing podcasts without the ads would definitely land you in legal trouble, cause every audio file is their “work of art”.
Not a problem for ublock because you’re editing their work of art for your personal use, and sharing unaltered stuff.
And youtube sponsor block is just sharing time stamps you might be interested in.
AI system that can recognize patterns and auto skip forward?