…and now they’re in a shelter in place because of *checks notes unexpected rain, unusual climate change related weather.
Mud wizard strikes again!
Damn, y’all pollute everything with your large lame meaningless emotes. Maybe your favorite podcast can do a twitch steam, and you guys can do that over there.
attack the big corporations instead
That’s the problem though. How do you even do that?
On December 10th, at around 6 p.m., 200 environmental activists suddenly stormed and “invaded” a Lafarge company cement factory of La Malle in Bouc-Bel-Air in the Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in Southern France. Infrastructure at the plant was reportedly attacked using a variety of methods, including: sabotage of incinerators and electrical systems and devices; cable cutting; bags of cement cut open and spilled; damage to vehicles and construction equipment; damaged windows; and graffiti spraying.
Yep, don’t remember who it was that I heard say something along the line of “If climate activists were really convinced they want to end the system that they can’t deny is profitable to them, car dealerships wouldn’t be able to have SUVs on their lot as they would be set on fire during the night, airports would get vandalized, gas stations blown up…”
If I burn down an SUV, will this create less or more pollution than if it’s driven and totalled after 80000km?
If it means companies stop making them, in the long run it’s a win for you.
The only thing that is happening will be the company being able to sell another one. There should be tax incentives to not drive SUVs like taxing by weight and motor power. The SUV was initially loved because of tax exemptions for ‘light trucks’ in the USA.
I watched with no audio, but was there something that made it appropriate for the ranger to pull a gun on those protesters?
I don’t know that blocking a road like an asshat merits deadly force.
This is the US. you can be shot for eating a burger in a car park