I’m going to make the acceptable answers broad so jam, preserves, etc are all acceptable. I’m a fig jam or apple butter man myself.
I’m spoiled. My mom makes jams and cans them, so 9/10 times, her homemade stuff
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I don’t use jelly, because as an Australian, jelly means something very different to me. Jelly on a sandwich is… just no…
Do you guys even eat peanut butter sandwiches?
Absolutely! And some of us are weird enough to eat them with jam! But no one eats them with jelly
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Please report back once you’ve tried it.
Well, assuming you survive…
Whatever is at hand. Doesn’t matter to me whether it’s grape, strawberry, apple butter, etcetera. They normally all taste just fine when paired with peanut butter.
Apple butter?
Just looked it up to see exactly what it is and apparently it’s just applesauce that’s been cooked down for hours until it’s thick and spreadable.
I think there are still jars of the stuff from when my sister-in-law made some around the apartment I’m in. Pretty good with peanut butter, if I say so.
Don’t know what type of question you were asking, so this is the answer I’m giving.
Ahh I see. In Dutch we call that apple syrup (appelstroop).
concord grape is the only right answer. but if I’m being honest, if I’m in the mood for jelly, I want it on toast.
I’ve always walked around saying I don’t like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but now that I think about it, that’s not true. I don’t mind eating one, it’s not gross, it’s not delicious, but the issue is that jelly is so God damn good by itself. every time I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I just imagine eating that jelly on toast instead.
and if we’re doing toast, strawberry is better than grape.
What about a toasted pb&j?
now you’ve given me the idea of putting peanut butter on a grilled cheese
Grilled Peanut Butter Sandwiches are definitely a thing & quite delicious. I’m just not sure I’d ever add cheese to the flavor pallet.
I’ve definitely put plain peanut butter sandwiches in a panini press before.
My man, raspberry jam is where it"s at. Perfect sweet/tart to PB ratio. No other spread has beaten it yet.
preserves >> jam
What’s the difference?