Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:
It seemingly has no – Stakes?
With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y’know?
But with Flat Eartherism… ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain… – What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don’t bother with the shape of the planet.
The point, for believers, is just to know stuff the sheeple don’t and feel superior. It’s a smug club, they could have picked anything to be contrarian about. It’s unfortunate that they’ve picked a very measurable thing, so they occasionally self-own with experiments. It doesn’t change their mind, though, because being right isn’t the point.
They’re usually also Biblical literalists, who believe that their infallible God-authored Bible says the Earth is flat (“four corners”, covered in a dome, etc), thus the globe is an attack on Christianity. The worldly institutions are all controlled by the devil, who wants Christians to doubt their Bible and their belief in God.
Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:
It seemingly has no – Stakes?
With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y’know?
But with Flat Eartherism… ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain… – What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don’t bother with the shape of the planet.
The point, for believers, is just to know stuff the sheeple don’t and feel superior. It’s a smug club, they could have picked anything to be contrarian about. It’s unfortunate that they’ve picked a very measurable thing, so they occasionally self-own with experiments. It doesn’t change their mind, though, because being right isn’t the point.
They’re usually also Biblical literalists, who believe that their infallible God-authored Bible says the Earth is flat (“four corners”, covered in a dome, etc), thus the globe is an attack on Christianity. The worldly institutions are all controlled by the devil, who wants Christians to doubt their Bible and their belief in God.