Whoever designed this with its implicit assumption that the cat won’t then proceed onto the table has never met a cat.
We have two cats. They’ll both get their heads in the hole and get stuck.
Such is cat.
At least they should offer a clear plastic bubble - the head could come up, the eyes could see, but the paws stay off the table.
Can it be a clicky Pop-o-Matic bubble?
'Had to look that up… Now I remember those things.
So the big (table) version would have something to attract the cat. Maybe a bell and a treat dispenser? Fun idea!
This is smart. Also the cat won’t be meowing aggressively to eat your food.
No touchy fishy https://imgur.com/eJXr6Xf.gifv
How could you cut the ending though
Fixed, it’s not easy to find tbh.
Cat does what it wants, hole or no hole.
There is a Japanese youtuber, called Jun, who has actually trained his cats very well, and he let’s them watch him cook fresh meals. I assume they also don’t try to snatch food from peoples’ plates, since they never interrupt his cooking.
My cat would love this. He loves sitting on my stool watching me cook. He loves hanging out with me while I eat but never tries to eat my food, can even leave him alone with the food. But when I eat he loves to get up in my business lmao so a table like this would be his jam.
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They should have just put an inset box in the middle with the access hatch in the bottom. Best case you keep the cat contained and worst case you can have an in-table hibachi grill spot.
It’s exclusively for well behaved cats.
The fact that the center does not lock in place means the creator has either never owned a cat, or has only owned extremely well-behaved cats. My kitty would spend all day making as much noise as physically possible with that center plug.
sounds of the center plug sliding across tile
slams the cover on the cats head pushing the cat down
Moooom Mr. Kitty’s being a dildo
Well I know a certain kitty kitty that’s sleeping with mommy tonight!
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Wow, 28,000 upvotes using the current shiddit-lemmy exchange rate!
This place is awesome!
looks like the monkey brains bashing table from Indiana Jones.
I, unfortunately, had the same thought. I want this to be 100% cute so bad, but my PTSD is interfering.
Ugh… This reminds me of the monkey scene in Faces of Death.
I had a similar memory of a T.C. Boyle short story but I am immediately re-traumatized. If you know you know.
I want to see this in action.
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