That would be so amazing, to see the Gripen in action over Ukraine. I hope the jet is as effective as claimed.
Yeah fuck, as a swede (born & grew up there) that would be a first for swedish air force being tested in real conditions. Sweden has had some crazy military aircrafts (check out the Cobra maneuver, invented by Swedish pilots, stolen by the URSS) hope they for once will be useful more than a deterrent!
Man, it would be so fucking cool if Sweden just pulls a giga-chad move and is like “hey we got a couple squadrons of these older Grippens available. Sorry they’re not the newest, but here’s a couple hundred or so MBDA Meteors (arguably the best long-range AAM fully deployed in the world at the moment) and IRIS-Ts (roughly on par with the AIM-9X, one of the best short-range AAM fully deployed in the world at the moment) to go with it. Hope it helps.”
But also:
NATO AWACS has entered the channel
NATO AWACS wants to share DataLink