What games are your currently plaything through on your deck? Would you recommend them to other players?
None. I got it so my partner could play video games on the couch with me while I’m smackin moblins in Hyrule.
Just finished Doom 2016. Runs smooth as silk, and the controls are great. Just starting Hollow Knight now.
I have a Diablo 4 addiction. It runs surprisingly well on my Deck. Only problem is it requires the internet, so I can’t play it anywhere outside of the house.
I’m baffled by how poorly Diablo 4 handles “mediocre” connections. I have been using T-Mobile Home Internet for a while and I’m even able to stream GeForce Now reasonably well, but I run into lag spikes on Diablo 4.
I don’t think it’s a network problem. I think Diablo has a memory leak that causes issues that are especially noticeable on the Steam Deck. I’ve heard it’s getting patched out soon, but not sure where I got that info from. One of my Discord friends I think…