I am sure hope somebody™ already thought of this. Feel free to advertise your project here.
P.S.: Image transcription:
Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants gesturing to the left with open hands:
Somebody should take document type conversion from Pandoc and version control from Git
Patrick gesturing to the right in a pushing motion:
And build a frontend around it
Shameless plug for Pandoc because I love it
That scalable vector graphic on the page shows source document type on the left and target type on the right. TL;DL: It converts about two dozen document types into about three dozen document types.
P.S.E.G.: PDF ← Markdown ←→ HTML → PDF
P.P.S: Where are my manners? Image transcription added to post.
So like gitit?
I’m currently working on this, using git and having GitHub actions produce artifacts when building the markdown files to pdf. It’s great!
I’ve been using Quarto a lot for Data Science work and it uses Pandoc under the hood I recall.
Not sure what you’re envisioning by Pandoc + git, but the RStudio IDE has a git integration and a WYSIWYM Quarto editor.
Quarto user here, I use it for my blog.
There is also a vscode extension for WYSIWYM editing.
Quarto looks quite interesting indeed, thanks for pointing it out!
For those interested it’s an “Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc”
This! I want office that just uses markdown/latex and pandoc under the hood to output PDF documents
That’s just LaTeX?
Haha, kind of. However conversion between all these formats is lossy in some directions and I don’t know of any software that integrates version control of documents by default (not saying there are none).
P.S.: Yes I know, https://xkcd.com/927/
So what’s stopping you from putting your LaTeX files into a git repo and building them into a pdf when needed?
Nothing, I’d just like a nice GUI around it.
am I crazy or is this just a markdown renderer
yeah, but then your car is one unwieldy bicycle