That is quite a mixed bag response. Leaves me between they won’t do nothing, and they might do something.
That is quite a mixed bag response. Leaves me between they won’t do nothing, and they might do something.
Anyway, that’s enough about yourself…
Feels like you never truly where on Reddit if you felt it was a beacon of warmth and friendliness. Did you ever share an opinion contrary to the prevailing opinion on there?
Isn’t this just the tech version of cuckooing?
Illegally using someone’s property to make profit from dodgy business.
Oh yeah, I see now. I misread that.
She went to war with unions and the working class. Destroyed workers rights, used the police to antagonise and dismantle strikes, left towns and cities in economic decline. She screwed a LOT of people. Many hate her here.
Blender or GIMP? Idk.
I didn’t realise Valve had gone into vaccinations, but Mumps, Measles and Rubella are nasty fuckers.
Unit tests, yes, but you don’t only do unit tests. Integration and e2e tests still exist.
Was there even tests?
I’m not sure what’s with your first sentence. Everything else you said agreed with the point I was making…
Real mugs.
Henry Ford invented breaks to extract more out of the peasant Labour.
The fact we’re years later and cognitively demanding jobs don’t support this well show how amateur managers are and his spineless devs that enable them are.
In agile development. You do a little, release. Otherwise it is too big and may never be done. The fact they committed resources to improve this is a positive. The hope is they build on it and add more options.
However, if they get trashed for trying, they and many other companies may not try. Why spend money to get a bad reputation when the spending nothing creates less I’ll will to the company. That is ultimately the decision Product Owners and Designers will weigh up.
I think for progress, the best approach is maybe “positive first step but more options are needed for non-bonary for this to really make players feel comfortable”.
From a technical perspective, separating pronoun hard coding from the models gives more scope to give more options in the future, however, as someone mentioned, there is a lot of art work needed on assets and animations so the new shapes function the same in all cases.
I know enough, little one. Maybe you do.
You’re insufferable. Surprised you still ain’t on reddit. That’s where the corporate bootlickers are. I guess is the next best place.
No. It’s when bugs and crashes happen, and trying to identify how. Such as stack traces for example, or memory usage when an app keels over.
I’m not here to market FF, I’m here trying to counter balance the Firefox haters that spend so much hate to trash the only real legitimate chance we have of Google not dictating web standards. I don’t know why so many people shill for billion dollar companies. Do they love Google that much, or are they simply useful idiots?
It’s open source. You’re assuming this is telemetry without having an idea. Could be diagnostics, could be pocket, could be sync check.
Without evidence, sounds like a load of FUD.
It’s ironic you call me dense.
Of course not. It’s an internet browser. What point are you trying to make?
What are you stating cannot be turned off?
This sounds baseless without any evidence.
And it can be turned off.
Minecraft is one of the biggest games on the planet. Very popular with the young. Not what many would consider beautiful.